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the plebians (poor or middle class)

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Q: Who served in tribal assembly?
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What group of people served in the tribal assembly.?

the plebeians

What group of people served in the Tribal Assembly women patricians slaves plebeians?

The tribal assembly was open to male citizens - patricians and plebs.

What group of people served in the African tribal assembly?

I've never heard of an African Tribal Assembly . There are over 7,000 tribes across Africa and they all have different kinds gatherings and events you could call assemblies. Each would br according to their individual tribal customs.

Those who served in the Roman assembly were called?

magistrastes, although that is a title covering any public official. Remember that the Roman assemblies were the voting assemblies and those who served in them were called delegates or tribal representatives.

Assembly of citizens that helped manage the government in ancient Rome?

The Centuriate Assembly, the Tribal Assembly, the Plebeian Assembly.

What group of people serve the tribal assembly?

the plebeians

What is a asssembly of Roman citizens who governed Rome called?

There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.There were three assemblies in ancient Rome, the tribal or plebeian assembly, and the ward assembly and also the senate itself was an assembly. The first two assemblies elected the officials while the senate acted as a debating and consulting body.

What could be citizens of Greek early states?

People accepted by their tribal assembly.

What was the ancient roman principle assembly called?

Under Roman Kingdom it was called the curiate assembly Under the Roman Republic there was the centuriate assembly and the tribal assembly - the centuriate assembly probably the more prominent one here

Who was the central power of Rome during the Roman Republic?

Depending on the matter being determined,the magistrates,the senate,the tribunes of the plebs,the centuriate assembly,the tribal assembly,the plebeian assembly.

Who had most of the power in the roman republic?

The consuls were the top government officials.

In terms of importance to Roman politics what would you rank first?

The people's assembly - Centuriate, Tribal and Plebeian.