irtyuv yr4 ry4u ryur5uygrtyfy rturutfyuryuf rtyuryrf5yf This is a cheep place JELP ME!
She was a neutralist because she was a missionary in the Shaker Religion so she didn't believe in war, and she wanted peace. Her only concern during the Revolutionary War was to help her followers buy land so they could make a church
George Washington was in charge of all of the troops; if you mean the Civil War, Robert. E. Lee commanded the Confederates, or the South.
There were no wars happening within the Revolutionary War. The only actual war that was going on at this exact time and place was the Revolutionary War.
it was violent
No. Check the dates. The Revolutionary War was long over before Lee was born. His father, 'Lighthorse' Harry Lee,had served in the Revolutionary War.
She was a neutralist because she was a missionary in the Shaker Religion so she didn't believe in war, and she wanted peace. Her only concern during the Revolutionary War was to help her followers buy land so they could make a church
in 1730
in the revolutionary war
he was in the civil war. the revolutionary war was long before his time. generals were grant,lee
Anne Hutchinson? She died before the war started.
American Revolutionary War
His father was Revolutionary War hero "Light Horse " Harry Lee Also his dad was a medal of honor solider in the war presented to him by the continental congress his mom was Annie Lee Hill and Mary Anna Lee and Robert Edward Lee name a kid after her also.
She wanted to help her followers
Richard Henry Lee (January 1732 to June 1794) of Virginia was an American statesman. After the Revolutionary War, his resolution of June 1766 led to the Declaration of Independence.
Richard Henry (Lighthorse Harry) Lee, of revolutionary war fame.
General Robert E. Lee was the son of General "Lighthorse Harry" Lee.