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The so-called "mountain men" traveled hundreds or thousands of miles beyond charted territory to find furs.They made the first European contact with many Native American tribes and often formed friendships and business partnerships with them. Native American people even taught these mountain men some of the skills they needed to survive in their new environment. When mountain men returned from their journeys they told stories of the wild, rugged lands that they had encountered. Yet, by 1800, the majority of European Americans still had no idea what existed beyond the Mississippi.

Answer: fur traders

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Q: Who were the Europeans who had ventured west of the Mississippi before its exploration?
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Which shows the eras of early American literature from before Columbus until the writing of the constitution in order from recent to earliest?

A.Revolutionary, Colonial, Exploration, Pre-Columbianapex son!

What caused millions of Native Americans to die after the Europeans came?

Any people isolated unto themselves will not have ordinary immunities common in other peoples from other countries. So, Europeans exposed Native Americans to viruses and bacteria common to that time. A common cold could override immune systems if a people had never been exposed to that virus before.

What is the Government of Fulani?

It is a monarchy, with Emirs as Kings (they used to have Queens e.g. Queen Amina of Zazzau, Nigeria) but nowadays only emirs. The emirs have sub rulers under them and these has helped in maintaining rule and order centuries before the Europeans come to Africa.

What grain did the pilgrims call corn before they arrived in America?

Corn was essentially unknown before Europeans came to the new world. It because very popular in the colonies as well as Europe.

Why did the English and Early Americans wear wigs?

They didn't have good hygiene, and with smallpox and other fevers that they suffered, their hair fell out or they had scabs all over their scalps. Wigs were also in fashion for public appearances, for persons of authority, such as the wigs that judges and barristers (lawyers) wear in British courts, to this day.A side note to the wearing of wigs: The Europeans started the scalping of the Native Americans, both to make wigs for themselves and their wives back home, but also because they found that the Native American believed that they wouldn't make it to the "Happy Hunting Grounds" without their hair. So the Native Americans started scalping Europeans.Actually American Indians started scalping Europeans first and Europeans did it right back. I am afraid it was something that went on in wars between tribes for generations before the Europeans occupied America. All was not peaceful before or after the Europeans landed, but just added more people to conflicts. The real big issues did not happen until Andrew Jackson. He was a horrible man to the Indians. But a lesson to be learned, when you fight between yourselves you fall, a lesson we all need to learn as a nation now of America will be lost to all of us.

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Who realized the importance of the Mississippi River first?

Probably the native tribes living in the area at the time, and well before Europeans landed on the American continent.

Who first realized the importance of the Mississippi River?

Probably the native tribes living in the area at the time, and well before Europeans landed on the American continent.

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yes and the internet is not always right

Who was the very first explorer at the Mississippi River?

The first European explorer to visit the Mississippi River was Hernando de Soto. He was exploring for Spain in 1541 when his crew became the first Europeans to have a written account of the Mississippi River. However, he died of an illness about a year later during the same expedition.

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