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Slaves were ranked at the bottom of Egyptian society. Slaves, like peasants, worked very hard. The more fortunate slaves worked in the homes of the rich. Household slaves were usually fairly treated, adequately fed and clothed.

Other less fortunate slaves worked as labourers. They often were often naked and endured harsh treatment at the hands of their overseers.

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12y ago

Slaves were ranked at the bottom of Egyptian society. Slaves, like peasants, had to work very hard. The peasant was only just above the slave in status.

The more fortunate slaves worked in the homes of the rich. Household slaves were usually fairly treated, adequately fed and clothed. Some of these slaves were debt slaves who sold themselves in slavery in order to pay off their dues. These were Egyptians and could expect fair treatment from their fellow countrymen.

Other less fortunate slaves, often foreigners taken in war or as tribute, worked as labourers on a nobleman's or temple estate; helped to build the temples and monuments; worked in the quarries and worst of all in the mines. They were often naked and endured harsh treatment at the hands of tough overseers.

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