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Q: Who is a person who stole Helen and took her to troy?
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Who stole Helen?

Paris, a prince of Troy, stole Helen from Menelaus (Agamemnon's brother)

Prince of troy who stole Helen away?

Prince Paris of Troy seduced Helen.Paris of Troy

Did Agamemnon save Helen of Troy?

The story is that her husband Menelaos, king of Sparta, took her home with him.

Who was chosen to be Helen's husband from the Trojan war?

Prince Paris of Troy stole Queen Helen from her husband Menelaus, the king of Sparta.

Why did the achaeans fight the Trojan war?

Prince Paris "kidnapped" Helen, the wife of Menelaus and took her to Troy. When Helen was married, her father, fearing the wrath of the princes that he did not marry Helen to, made every one of Helen's suitors swear to fight whoever dares to take Helen away from her husband. So when Paris took Helen to Troy, Agamemnon, Menelaus's older brother, took this chance and lead the Achaeans to fight Troy for Helen.

Who was the most beautiful woman that launched 1000 ships?

Poetically, Helen wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta, whose treasure she stole when she ran off with Paris of Troy.

What is Iliad a Greek myth about?

The Iliad records a small portion of the battle of Troy, where soldiers from mainland Greece took the city of troy or Ilias. The batlle is believed to have taken place around 1200 bc and its famous people include Achillies, Hector, Agamemnon, Helen to name the main characters.

Who was the Prince of Troy who stole Helen in mythology?

Paris The Son Of Priam Who Was The King Of Troy At The Time

What part did Helen play in the Trojan war?

Helen is the husband of Menelaus. She was took away from Paris (of Troy)

What are the three reasons of war in Helen of Troy?

The reasons for the Trojan war are: 1. Paris took Helen to Troy. 2. Helen was Menelaus' wife. 3. Menelaus loved his wife dearly.

Did Paris ever marry Helen of Troy?

When Paris heard about Helen, he decided to go to see her. Then they fell in love, and Paris stole Helen. When Menelaus heard about it, he collected all of Helen's lovers, and sailed the ships to Troy. They made a deal with Agamemnon, that they are going to fight together, and if they win, Menelaus is going to get Helen, and Agamemnon- Troy.

Why does Paris die?

Paris stole Helen of Troy from her husband, Menelaus. Once Menelaus found out, he went to his brother, the King of Greece, Agamemnon, and asked his help in retrieving Helen.