The medieval cottar is believed to have been a simple serf, who lived by farming and who had limited lands to farm and no special office. The role of the cottar was to grow food.
The word cottage originally meant the home of a cottar.
The lord and the peasnat
The SERFS, followed by the peasants.
It can be found at the village shoppe. Click on the "path to village" option from your dashboard. This will show you the pathway. Click on the sign and go to the village shoppe.
Farmland, forests, the lord's house or castle, and a peasant village The manor was made up of the castle, the church, the village, and the surrounding farmland.
Things varied with time an place, but in England, the general usage was that if a village got to the point that it had a person who was a permanent officer, such as a mayor, then it was no longer a village, but a town. That being the case, English villages did not have mayors.
The Cottars was created in 2000.
Depends on how large a village is.
The web address of the Camlann Medieval Village is:
The phone number of the Camlann Medieval Village is: 425-788-8624.
if the essay's on a question then end it on so thats why i thought that a medieval village is better than a medieval town. (for example) or so thats why i thought that "question"
Off To The Side
The address of the Camlann Medieval Village is: 10320 Kelly Rd NE, Carnation, WA 98014
To pray
medieval market village