A republic is democratic while an empire is not.
An empire has one leader in charge of all the laws while a republic may have one supreme leader but several other people (like a Congress or Parliament) to approve laws.
Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.
This is a confusing question. First please remember that Rome was already an empire under the republic. What is erroneously called the "Roman empire" is the Principate. The government of the republic was by popular election while the government of the principate was by appointment. Both forms of government used the senate as a consulting body.
One way that Diocletian tried to save the Roman Empire was by dividing the Empire into two halves, West and East.
Generally speaking there are two answers to this question. In all sense of the term of empire, it can be said that the Roman republic became an empire when the last remnants of its rival, Carthage was laid to waste. Rome then ruled the western areas of the Mediterranean Sea. In another sense, the Roman republic came to an end upon the rule of Augustus Caesar. At that point in 31 BC BCE, Octavian became Augustus Caesar and the "empire" ruled by an emperor can be said to be the end of the republic and into an empire.
Ancient Greeks faced problems of many kinds in their effort to survive and to thrive. Natural hardships such as disease, famine, and weather vicissitudes had to be faced. Competition from their neighbors within Greek civilization (rival city-states and alliances) as well as overseas threats from the aggressive empire of Persia were other problems.
They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.They were different because they are two different things. An empire is a political conglomerate while a republic is a form of government. In the case of ancient Rome, the Roman empire was governed both as a republic and as a principate.
Rome did not go from a republic to an empire. They are two different things. The republic was/is a form of government while an empire is a political holding. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government. What is generally referred to as the "empire" is properly called the principate, in which the empire was ruled by one person rather than the collective senate.Rome did not go from a republic to an empire. They are two different things. The republic was/is a form of government while an empire is a political holding. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government. What is generally referred to as the "empire" is properly called the principate, in which the empire was ruled by one person rather than the collective senate.Rome did not go from a republic to an empire. They are two different things. The republic was/is a form of government while an empire is a political holding. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government. What is generally referred to as the "empire" is properly called the principate, in which the empire was ruled by one person rather than the collective senate.Rome did not go from a republic to an empire. They are two different things. The republic was/is a form of government while an empire is a political holding. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government. What is generally referred to as the "empire" is properly called the principate, in which the empire was ruled by one person rather than the collective senate.Rome did not go from a republic to an empire. They are two different things. The republic was/is a form of government while an empire is a political holding. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government. What is generally referred to as the "empire" is properly called the principate, in which the empire was ruled by one person rather than the collective senate.Rome did not go from a republic to an empire. They are two different things. The republic was/is a form of government while an empire is a political holding. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government. What is generally referred to as the "empire" is properly called the principate, in which the empire was ruled by one person rather than the collective senate.Rome did not go from a republic to an empire. They are two different things. The republic was/is a form of government while an empire is a political holding. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government. What is generally referred to as the "empire" is properly called the principate, in which the empire was ruled by one person rather than the collective senate.Rome did not go from a republic to an empire. They are two different things. The republic was/is a form of government while an empire is a political holding. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government. What is generally referred to as the "empire" is properly called the principate, in which the empire was ruled by one person rather than the collective senate.Rome did not go from a republic to an empire. They are two different things. The republic was/is a form of government while an empire is a political holding. Rome was an empire under the republican form of government. What is generally referred to as the "empire" is properly called the principate, in which the empire was ruled by one person rather than the collective senate.
Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.Your question cannot be answered because you are asking about two different things. A republic is a type of government. An empire is any vast holding, in Rome's case, territories. The two are different and one can't morph into the other.
In comparing a republic and an empire, you are trying to compare apples and oranges. An empire is a large holding. A republic is a form of government. The two have only a marginal relationship. An empire can be any large conglomerate, such as an industrial empire, a publishing empire, a financial empire or a political empire. A republic, as said above is a form or type of government. In a republic the people elect their officials to speak for them. A political empire, such as the Roman empire, can be ruled by a republic form of government, and it was for a time, until the principate form of government replaced the republic and ruled the empire. A more recent empire, the British empire, was ruled by a monarchy. A political empire can be ruled by various forms of government, with a republic being one of the types of government.
First of all, Rome had been an empire since the second Punic war, probably sooner. There is no exact date. Also you cannot compare a republic with an empire as they are two different things. A republic is a form of government and an empire is a large holding of some type. In other words, the Roman empire was ruled by the republican form of government until the fall of the republic and the establishment of the principate, which was engineered by Octavian/Augustus.
There was only one Roman Republic. The Empire divided in two two hundred years later.
These are two different terms. A republic is a system of government; an empire is a group of countries under one control. Rome was an empire long before it had an emperor - the republic ruled an empire covering half of Europe.from Spain to Greece. The republic was a limited democracy ruled by the Senate, The next phase did away with the limited democracy and for 200 years became a power-sharing arrangement between emperor and senate.
Rome did not turn from a republic to an empire. The Roman republic already had an empire. In fact, much of Rome's imperial expansion occurred during the Republic. Rome's political system changed from republic to rule by emperors, not from republic to empire. This confusion is caused by historians who use the term empire in two senses. One is the commonly used territorial sense (the conquest of other peoples and their annexation into an empire). The other refers to Rome's period of rule by emperors. The change from republic to rule by emperors was a political one, not an economic one.
They are two different entities. An empire, according to the dictionary, is a major political unit having a territory of great extent or a number of territories or peoples under a single sovereign authority. A republic, again according to the dictionary, is a form of government in which supreme power rests in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote and this power is exercised by elected officials. In other words, an empire is territory ruled by a single authority. A republic is a form of government.They are two different entities. An empire, according to the dictionary, is a major political unit having a territory of great extent or a number of territories or peoples under a single sovereign authority. A republic, again according to the dictionary, is a form of government in which supreme power rests in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote and this power is exercised by elected officials. In other words, an empire is territory ruled by a single authority. A republic is a form of government.They are two different entities. An empire, according to the dictionary, is a major political unit having a territory of great extent or a number of territories or peoples under a single sovereign authority. A republic, again according to the dictionary, is a form of government in which supreme power rests in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote and this power is exercised by elected officials. In other words, an empire is territory ruled by a single authority. A republic is a form of government.They are two different entities. An empire, according to the dictionary, is a major political unit having a territory of great extent or a number of territories or peoples under a single sovereign authority. A republic, again according to the dictionary, is a form of government in which supreme power rests in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote and this power is exercised by elected officials. In other words, an empire is territory ruled by a single authority. A republic is a form of government.They are two different entities. An empire, according to the dictionary, is a major political unit having a territory of great extent or a number of territories or peoples under a single sovereign authority. A republic, again according to the dictionary, is a form of government in which supreme power rests in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote and this power is exercised by elected officials. In other words, an empire is territory ruled by a single authority. A republic is a form of government.They are two different entities. An empire, according to the dictionary, is a major political unit having a territory of great extent or a number of territories or peoples under a single sovereign authority. A republic, again according to the dictionary, is a form of government in which supreme power rests in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote and this power is exercised by elected officials. In other words, an empire is territory ruled by a single authority. A republic is a form of government.They are two different entities. An empire, according to the dictionary, is a major political unit having a territory of great extent or a number of territories or peoples under a single sovereign authority. A republic, again according to the dictionary, is a form of government in which supreme power rests in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote and this power is exercised by elected officials. In other words, an empire is territory ruled by a single authority. A republic is a form of government.They are two different entities. An empire, according to the dictionary, is a major political unit having a territory of great extent or a number of territories or peoples under a single sovereign authority. A republic, again according to the dictionary, is a form of government in which supreme power rests in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote and this power is exercised by elected officials. In other words, an empire is territory ruled by a single authority. A republic is a form of government.They are two different entities. An empire, according to the dictionary, is a major political unit having a territory of great extent or a number of territories or peoples under a single sovereign authority. A republic, again according to the dictionary, is a form of government in which supreme power rests in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote and this power is exercised by elected officials. In other words, an empire is territory ruled by a single authority. A republic is a form of government.
Okay, your question needs a twofold answer. First of all the Roman republic and the Roman empire were different entities. The Republic was/is a form of government; an empire is a large holding of some sort. The two are not identical. And no, Julius Caesar did not bring down the Roman republic. The republic had been dying or even considered dead since at least the time of the first triumvirate. Caesar merely was fortunate enough to take advantage of the opportunities that opened up for him.
A monarchy and a republic. (The third system of government Rome had was the empire.)
The two words are not mutually opposite. The Roman republic had an empire for a couple of hundred years. The empire continued on under a single ruler for the next few hundred years. Empire is a modern word. The words empire and emperor did not exist at the time.