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in the colosseum there were gladitorial fights. it was a football staduim and it was a race track, there was performances such as the gladiators. it was filled with millions of people watching the in rome today are known as the bloodiest exhibtitions of puplic entertainment.


Ok i was searching this up too so i dont have the answer sorry.. but the person who answered that for you well they didnt even give you the answer they told you what happened in it not what happened when the empire fell.

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13y ago

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The Dark Ages

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The Roman Empire did not really collapse, or at least not in a way that word might suggest to us. Its end was not a sudden failure, but a long slow decline that lasted for centuries.

The decline of the Roman Empire could be said to have started in the year 235, with the Crisis of the Third Century. During this time, the empire was divided into three major sections, each with its own emperor, but there were many other people claiming to be emperor, each with his own small enclave and army. It became normal for one province to wage war against another, or with the rest of the empire. This period of civil war, chaos, depression, and decline lasted until Diocletian became emperor.

The simple way we look at history might suggest that the reforms of Diocletian and Constantine reestablished the Roman Empire as a mighty nation. One problem is that the civil wars did not go away, even while these two were alive. Another was that Diocletian's reforms did not reunify the empire so much as institutionalize its division, and it became permanently divided into the East Roman Empire and the West Roman Empire in the 4th century. In theory, these halves were parts of the same empire, but in fact, they were separate. And provinces waging war against each other continued.

Constantine's sons proved a fractious bunch, and the empire was never able to get back to good shape. Civil war became a constant threat, if not a constant reality.

Germanic tribal groups began to invade in the 4th century. They continued to invade throughout the 5th century and most of the 6th. The Germanic groups set up their own kingdoms which were nominally part of the empire at first, but they were quite out of the control of central authorities. From the point of view of the central authorities, this was not much different from provinces waging wars, but it took on an ethnic and national aspect that reduced the allegiance of the people to the empire.

Rome was sacked by Visigoths in 410, and though the capital of the West Roman Empire was not Rome at that time, but Ravenna, this was a shock to the idea of the power of the empire. Rome was sacked again in 455 by Vandals.

In 474, Julius Nepos came to the throne of the West Roman Empire. Two years later, he was deposed in Italy by a general named Orestes. Orestes could not legally be emperor, because he was not born within the empire, so he put his six year old son on the throne. This son was Romulus Augustulus.

In 476, Orestes was murdered and Romulus Augustulus deposed by a general named Odoacer. At that time, Julius Nepos was still alive and well, ruling outside Italy. Julius had the support of Emperor Zeno of the East Roman Empire, which Romulus had never been given. Julius was also the last emperor to have been confirmed by the Senate. Nevertheless, the Senate asked Zeno to take control of the whole of the empire, West as well as East, because the division was no longer practical, and Zeno agreed to this.

The deposition of Romulus Agustulus in 476 is what many historians have used as the event of the collapse of the Roman Empire. This usage began with the 18th century historian, Edward Gibbon, in his famous book, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Personally, I think he did this because he wanted his book to end with something that seemed like a fall, and it was the best he could do. Personally, I also think it was a rather pathetic attempt.

In 480, Julius Nepos, the last legally accepted emperor of the West Roman Empire, died. At that point, a number of the Germanic kingdoms were still claiming to be within the empire, but they were not acting like they cared about it much. Odoacer continued to rule in Italy, but got into a war with Zeno. Zeno responded in 488 by appointing an Ostrogothic king, Theodoric, as king of Italy. The Kingdom of the Ostrogoths was essentially a province of the empire.

The empire subsequently had to go to war with the Ostrogoths, though this was regarded as a civil war at the time, in which the central government fought against a province. Under the Emperor Justinian, the armies of the Roman Empire defeated the Ostrogoths and established direct imperial control over Italy. Belisarius, Justian's general, took the Ostrogoth capital in 540. At that time the Ostrogoths, trying to remain outside the control of Emperor Justinian, offered him the title of emperor of the West Roman Empire, but Belisarius refused.

After that, the imperial hold on Italy was always a bit tenuous, though the Roman Senate continued to operate there until the year 603 AD. Lombards invaded int he 6th century, and took most of it away from the empire.

The direct holdings of the empire included North Africa, which had been taken by Belisarius from the Vandals, and the south-east part of Spain. The territory of the old East Roman Empire was still under firm imperial control.

Even at this point, The various Germanic kingdoms, still may have regarded themselves as within the empire. They had peculiar customs that separated the general population, which they considered Roman, from the Germanic groups themselves. In some places, the Romans were subject to Roman law, while the Germanic groups were subject to Germanic law.

By the time the Germanic kingdoms had achieved autonomy in Western Europe, the political and social situations in Western Europe were pretty chaotic. There were very few schools, and very few scholars of any sort. Roads, bridges, and aquaducts were in poor repair. Trade and commerce were sluggish, at best.

The last of its territory in Spain was lost to the empire in 624. The empire had territories in Italy for some time after that. But it lost all its territories in Africa and much of its Asian territories to Muslim armies not many years after.

During the Middle Ages, the medieval Roman Empire of the Middle Ages was always called the Empire of the Roman People, despite the facts that its capital was Constantinople, for most of the Middle Ages the city of Rome was not even part of it, and its people spoke Greek rather than Latin. Later, in the 16th century, historians began to call it the Byzantine Empire, which is the name we know it by. It fell in 1453, and with it, according to many historians, the Middle Ages ended.

Conditions in the first centuries of the Middle Ages were difficult. There was no unified currency. There was a constant threat from more migrating groups, including Vikings and Mongols. Civilization in Europe was at a rather low ebb. This was the beginning of a period in which literacy, science, and commerce had to reestablish themselves. And this time is called the Early Middle Ages, or Dark Ages, a long period of growth and improvement from the chaos of the decline of the West Roman Empire.

Charlemagne did quite a lot to bring things back to what they had been under the Roman Empire. In fact, his new title after the coronation of 800 AD was Emperor of the Roman People. Empress Irene, who was Empress of the Roman People in Constantinople, was not made very happy by this development.

Charlemagne's Empire of the Roman People, which we now call the Carolingian Empire, fell apart, but the eastern half of it was resurrected as the Empire of the Roman People, which later was called the Holy Roman Empire. After this was destroyed by Napoleon in 1806. Kaiser Wilhelm I tried to resurrect it, which was why he had the title Kaiser, which is German for Caesar.

When he conquered Constantinople in 1453, destroying the Empire of the Roman people that is called the Byzantine Empire today, Sultan Mehmed II took the title "Kaysar-i-Rûm," which is the Turkish equivalent of Caesar of Rome.

The Russian title of Czar is also derived from Caesar. The Russian imperial family was related to the Byzantine royal family, and maintained claims to its titles.

Claimants to the Roman imperial throne still exist.

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16y ago

everybody died from the smoke. houses were ruined and people died from the ash.

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13y ago

There were many people who decided to leave it how it was and make a new empire

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