The civil war changed the nation in many ways, in the north the war changed the way people thought about our country. The south or Union, people began to think of the united states as a single nation rather than I collection of states. The war also caused the national government to expand.
My mom
As a rebel against the government. (Apex)
A central government is only an office; the states are the nation.
Constitutional monarchy
Constitutional monarchy
Constitutional monarchy
Constitutional monarchy
I am assuming by level, you mean level of government. There is no distinction between government on a national level and government on a federal level. The federal level of government is the highest tier of government because its central to the nation. It represents a union of states. Those union of states form a nation. So you see how the two terms are interchangable, and can be used synonymously. The federal government is government on a NATIONAL level.
The secession of the Southern states contributed the most toward the realization that the nation needed a stronger central government . Prior to this the states simply had a cooperative agreement.