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Q: What is a basic way citizens of a democratic nation can influence the government?
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What is a basic way citizens of a democratic nation influence the government?


What is a basic way citizens of a democratic nation can influence government?


Why is a democratic government better than any other form of government?

The benefit of a democratic government is ostensibly the idea that leaders can be held to account by the population as opposed to having complete and total free rein to rule over the population dictatorially.

What nation had a democratic government in 1914?


What does a government represent?

The citizens of the nation.

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What does democratic republic mean?

A nation with a constitution is a republic. A nation that elects the head of the state and representatives in the parliament to form a government is democratic. Democratic Republic is a form of government elected by the people with the constitutional head in accordance to the constitution is a Republic.

Can you have a democracy in the US?

May be and it depends on you. ************************************************************** The American concepts are "democratic", but the government will continue to be "republican". The US Constitution regards the nation as a Republic, led by direct representation, not direct rule by the citizens. **************************************************************

What is strong culture?

culture that affects the nation's citizens or has a large impact/influence on them.

How is cuba a non democratic country?

It is a non-democratic country because it is not a democracy.Added: It is a Communist nation. Communism is NOT a democratic form of government.

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