Find him (and his material/base) and destroy him. This was part of the "body count" war that was established for this new (second to the Korean War) "Limited War." Prior to Vietnam, the doctrine called for the traditional method of "taking ground." We didn't do that in Vietnam, in the beginning we tried it, but the war evolved in "attrition of the enemy" destroy more of them than they can of us, "body counts" were the way of keeping score of how many of the enemy had been slain.
Find them, destroy them (Search and Destroy).
Vietnam was to be fought by attrition not by gaining ground. The only way of attriting the enemy was to find him & destroy him. Thus the term Search & Destroy.
Strategy-Attrition Tactic-Search & Destroy
they launched multirole bombers more than enough to destroy the north vietnamese forces
Find them, destroy them (Search and Destroy).
Search and Destroy - 1988 is rated/received certificates of: USA:R
Search and Destroy operations began transitioning into Search and Clear campaigns under Nixon's administration in 1970.
It was a search & destroy mission.
There are a few reputable websites where one can download free Spybot Search and Destroy. One is the downloads page on CNET's website. Another website is Spybot-Search-Destroy.
Vietnam was to be fought by attrition not by gaining ground. The only way of attriting the enemy was to find him & destroy him. Thus the term Search & Destroy.
Search and Destroy.
Search and destroy. Which meant FIND them and then DESTROY them.
Strategy-Attrition Tactic-Search & Destroy
Search and Destroy.