No, it was more of a federal constitutional monarchy with the Kaiser (Emperor) retaining a considerable amount of political power.
All of the states were treated fairly, but some didn't think they were. The southern states that eventually left the union thought that the state should have the ultimate authority over its people. The Federal Government disagreed, and the southern states believed that because they didn't get a say in it that they were treated unfairly.
During the early 20th century before world war i
A military government is given more leeway in regards to war while civil government must seek approval before going to war. A civil government must answer to the people.
china did not have any real form of government before 1949. It was mainly run by warlords which varied from region to region.
Cumberland Road
The federal government was granted the right to enforce federal laws, including the collection of protective tariffs. This was a power the federal government had not held before.
The federal government defined an Indian as an original devloper of the land before the pilgrims came from England.
Mainly duties (taxes on imported goods).
In the United States, the states have always regulated eligibility and validity of marriage. Only once before, in the issue of interracial marriage, did the federal government overrule states rights in this regard.
Melbourne, see Parliament of Australia on Wiki :)
Represent the United States Federal Government before the Supreme Court.
The state government has the power to establish and maintain schools. The federal government use to have this power before it was delegated to the states.
No, the U.S. had an Articles of Confederation before the constitution was written and ratified. That made the states make their own laws without a federal government
Stonehenge was constructed in BC which means Before Christ.
The United States government is involved with more than three-quarters of the cases brought before federal court.