8 US Nurses died in Vietnam, all but one from accidents.
The statue represents the US Military Nurses that served in the Vietnam War. The roles of women during the Vietnam War, were the same as portrayed during the Korean War (see films: MASH), WWII, and World War I.
Over 50,000 Australian Servicemen fought in the Vietnam War.
This was the age of traditional armies; political correctness had not taken hold of armies back then; the communists used females to man anti-aircraft sites (AAA sites) in North Vietnam while their men marched south to fight. They used women to carry supplies, administer medical support, and repair support. US and allied armies utilized females primarily in the medical fields. In US organizations, US females were always VOLUNTEERS.
Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war? A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!
Primarily as nurses.
8 US Nurses died in Vietnam, all but one from accidents.
US Female nurses volunteered for the military; in most cases they also volunteered for Vietnam; where they were needed most. Volunteers looked at the war differently than draftees.
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall; the "Three Servicemen"; and the "Women Nurses."
The Vietnam Womens Memorial is one of the three parts that make up the Vietnam Veterans Memorial; it is a statue consisting of two nurses (most women in the Vietnam War were nurses, making these nurses a symbol) and an injured man in one of the nurse's arms.
During the Vietnam War, WWII, etc. all US military women were either WACs, WAVES, or WAFs.
the right to kill people like they did to Michael Jackson.
The statue represents the US Military Nurses that served in the Vietnam War. The roles of women during the Vietnam War, were the same as portrayed during the Korean War (see films: MASH), WWII, and World War I.
Australian nurses worked in a similar fashion as US nurses did, in main base and field hospitals, as well as the US Navy's floating hospital ships.
The ROKs (Republic of Korea) may not have employed women in Vietnam. If they did, they were, as most females were in Vietnam/Korea/WWII/WWI...etc. nurses. And a great majority of female nurses in Vietnam were officers; any US female enlisted personnel was rare to non-existent.
Over 50,000 Australian Servicemen fought in the Vietnam War.
Same as WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam: Nurses & Administration.