No, people of African descent were not killed in the Holocaust. This may seem somewhat strange given that the current neo-Nazi movement is very hostile to black people, but in the early 20th century the Nazis were concerned with ethnic groups who lived in Europe at that time, and there had not yet been any significant African Immigration to Europe.
I assume you mean other than the soldiers killed in the fighting, and the civilians who worked in the resistance. No. Jewish people were, indeed, rounded up and sent to concentration camps in German-controlled Europe, but so were gay people, western sympathizers (for example, anyone who listened to American music was in danger of being rounded up), and others. Many people died in the Holocaust. In the United States, for a period of time, Japanese Americans were also sent to "detention camps", though we rarely discuss this.
At that time there were very few Blacks in Europe - a few thousand only, mainly in France and Britain,
If you are referring to how many people were killed in the Holocaust, there were around 6 million people killed.
Soviet POWS
i am related and i am proud
In my opinion, the holocaust was the worst ever, but if u want me to go worse, how about the black plague? It killed about 1/3 of Europe's population! Search it on google for more info.
They were mainly Jewish people, gypsies, lesbian/gay people, black people, or any undesirables that didn't fit Hitler's "perfect race" that were executed during the holocaust. If you go to your local library there will probably be a lot of books and information regarding this topic.
the outcast of the holocaust was that millions people were killed and thousand of people was traumatised
The Holocaust was the attempted extermination of Europe's Jews. About six million were killed during the Holocaust.
People that were killed during the Holocaust in addition to the millions of Jews were the Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, and people with disabilities. Also killed were Gypsies, Poles, Soviet POWs, and slaves in Eastern Europe.
killed people
they were gassed to death
Out of 13 Million People who were killed during the Holocaust, only about 1.3-1.7 Million Children were killed during the Holocaust. Majority of the Children were under the ages of 13 years old.
Criminals would have been killed because of their crimes, but this would have been part of the justice system, not part of the Holocaust, people were only killed for being Jewish in the Holocaust.
there where at leats 11million people killed in the holocaust 6mollion where jews
The Nazis organized the holocaust
200-250 thousand handicapped people were killed
yes they was more killed in the holocaust