The communists gained the knowledge that the US would fight if need be. They also learned HOW (tactics and firepower) the US fought.
They gained approximately 66,350 square miles of new territory; the former Republic of South Vietnam (RVN).
The Soviets did not gain anything from the Korean War. North Korea failed in its attempt to conquer South Korea, and thus, global communism was not furthered.
The "Cold War" was a battle against communism. North Vietnam was a communist country trying to take over South Vietnam which was NOT a communist country. The US was helping South Vietnam fight North Vietnam so that communist North Vietnam could NOT take it over.
Gain situational awareness and contact friendly forces
The Americans were fighting the Japanese at the time and the vietminh were also fighting for independance hoping to gain the U.S. as a ally after the war . After WW II the Americans were afraid of the communist influence of the vietminh and decided that backing the French rule was a better decision wich could be adapted to a freely elected pro US form of government .
It gained a stronger union.
Gain situational awareness and contact friendly forces
Communist North Vietnam re-united with the NON-Communist SOUTH Vietnam, creating ONE Communist country; Vietnam.
They feared that Vietnam would become Communist if it should gain indepedence.
with the Truman Doctrine, which was a promise to aid nations struggling communist movements
with the Truman Doctrine, which was a promise to aid nations struggling communist movements
with the Truman Doctrine, which was a promise to aid nations struggling communist movements
The communist party gained the support of china's peasant class
the doctrine was first proposed to help Greece and turkey battle communist forces seeking to gain control of their governments
The "Cold War" was a battle against communism. North Vietnam was a communist country trying to take over South Vietnam which was NOT a communist country. The US was helping South Vietnam fight North Vietnam so that communist North Vietnam could NOT take it over.
Vietnam is the country (formerly part of French Indochina). But technically the communist North was independent in 1954 after defeating the French, and took another 20 years to extend their rule over the people in South Vietnam.
Vietnam is the country (formerly part of French Indochina). But technically the communist North was independent in 1954 after defeating the French, and took another 20 years to extend their rule over the people in South Vietnam.
They gained the Republic of South Vietnam.
Vietnam is the country (formerly part of French Indochina). But technically the communist North was independent in 1954 after defeating the French, and took another 20 years to extend their rule over the people in South Vietnam.