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The Union war efforts in Virginia were increasingly failing, and the removal of the Union General George B. McClellan was being discussed. Lincoln was getting grave pressure from radicals to increase Union war efforts thus the Emancipation Proclamation was born. Not only did it free the slaves in the "rebellious states," but also increased military strength and action. However, it did not include those states that were of the South yet under Union control and those states who were border states. Foriegn influence of the document went both ways. Some countries such as Italy supported Lincoln, but others like Russia and Spain were doubtful. England and France's opinion mainly focused on the issue of cotton from the South. Nevertheless, Lincoln's speech at the battlegrounds of Antietam proved to be a stepping stone for the abolishing of slavery in America.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

A very shrewd tactic by Lincoln to keep Britain and France from granting recognition to the Confederacy and sending military aid.

By turning the war into an official crusade against slavery (which it hadn't been), he could shame free nations out of supporting the South, for fear of looking pro-slavery themselves.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Emancipation Proclamation

- declared slaves free in the any area still in rebellion on the date the final proclamation was issued (January 1, 1863). Note that Lincoln took this step under his "war powers" as Commander-in-Chief; he did not have the Constitutional authority to free them elsewhere (though he took other steps to accomplish that as well).

- authorized the armed services to accept blacks

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The Emancipation Proclamation was a presidential proclamation that gave slaves in southern states their freedom. The Proclamation applied to approximately 3 million slaves in the US. It was issued by Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Immancipation proclamation freed million slaves.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

By turning the war into an official crusade against slavery, it kept the British and the French from supporting the Confederates. (It would have made them look pro-slavery themselves.)

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The emancipation proclamation was an order to free the slaves in the confederate states. This applied ONLY to the slaves living in those states.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

For one you spelled it wrong but anyways it is all about abolishing slavery.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

it means nothing.

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Why did congress pass the militia act before Lincoln issued the emancipation proclomation?

To allow African Americans to join the Union military

How did the Emancipation Proclomation benefit the Union?

It kept Britain and France from aiding the Confederates - it would have made them look pro-slavery themselves.

What are the factors that caused lincoln to change his war goals to include freeing enslaved persons?

He had to gain the trust of the Border states that were slave states, he couldn't openly be against slavery while he was bringing in these states. After he declared war and had the border states he change his motives towards abolition to gain support from radical republicans (democrats in today's terms) and Europe. He wanted his soldiers to fight for a cause because it was proved in the American revolution that fighting for a cause is the way to win the war. He needed support.

Was the Civil War fought to free slaves or perserve the Union?

President Lincoln said that his goal was to poop on The Union and paraphrasing him he also said"If making the states all free would preserve the union, I would do it. If making the states half slave and half free would preserve the union, I would do it. If making the states all slave would preserve the union, I would do it.Notice the last statement: If making the states all slave would preserve the union, I would do it. President Lincoln's motivation was the preservation of the union. The emancipation proclamation became effective (sort of) in January 1863 which was over one and a half years after the war begun. The "sort of" above is referring to the fact that the proclomation was declared over the states in rebellion which because they were in rebellion had not allegiance and would not therefore comply with the proclamation rendering it therefore not legally binding. Further the emancipation proclamation was not a law. Only congress can pass laws and the constitutioinal amendment outlawing slavery was passed after the civil war ended.The freeing of the slaves became the moral and just causeand rallying cry for the war which was not begun to free the slaves. The motivation to carry on the civil war changed just as the motivation for the Iraq war has changed from protecting the U.S. from WMD to freeing the oppressed Iraqi people.This is the quote that is being paraphrased. Here is Lincoln, verbatim, "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do notbelieve it would help to save the Union. I shall do lesswhenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause."

What is the basis in which S.C. seceeded from the union in 1861 and the results of this action?

The history books say its because of SLavery, however, I have done much extensive research and have come to the conclusion that it was over tax, trade, and govern,ment control. What I have researched I have found that we can compare the Union to King George who waged war against the COntinentals in the year 1776. The Union would deploy militias without reason or in times of peace which angered. in 1860 when Lincoln was elected he put to work the Morrill Tarrif which rasied the federal tax by up to 47%. This angered many southerners because prior to the seccession they were 30% of the population however was paying 80% of the taxes. They were also not allowed to trade freely with Britain and instead were forced to give all their goods to Northern Industryy. They were also not represented in the votes for taxes and laws which is a Constitutional right. HWen war broke out nothign had to do with slavery, Lincoln did it[emancipation proclomation] as a political measure to ensure more blacks would join the union. Lincoln actually did not like Black people. he said many times in speeches that he was pro segregation and supported "white suppremacy". However on the Confederacy the majority of Generals such as General Robert E. Lee opposed slavery. on the Union side the majority of Generals such as Grant and Sherman made much mopney of of the slave trade and from research ive found that they actually killed their own slaves. Lee said "slavery is a social and a political evil" Jefferson Davis actually adpoted a black child as his son, go to Google or and look up Kim Limber Davis, some will say, black child in the confederate white house or something along the lines of that. But the point im making is the war was not over slavery at the outbreak of the American Civil War only 6% of all southerners owned slaves, those masters included small amounts of Mexicans, Jews blacks whites native Americans and so on, so the history books never told the whole story, I always suspected that the 9 paragraph exert was not the whole thng and I found out there was more to it than what history depicts. I entice you to do your own research and decide for yourself. but this is what all the information and documents ive read point to. I believce that the COnfederacy had the right to fight, the Decleration of Independence (1776) sats if a power is oppresing you it i your duty and right to separate and frm one to protect your rights. See the books say that the reason southern economy failed was because slavery was eliminated, however this is not so. there were two factors of why the South econoimy failed. 1-Reconstuction, 2-heavy heavy taxation. When Sherman's raid caame through on the march to Savannah, they burned everything, they burned a large portion of the SOuth. after the war when they rebuilt the south, the federal government TAXED TAXED AND TAXED, to ensure the economy would fall, then they[government] lowered the price of cotton to where no profit ws made for the south, and all was made for the North. I am not condeming the entire north but I am condeming how corrupt the majority of them were. Destruction and lies have degraded the reputation of the South. muchy of Civil War history is Northern Bias, they will never metion the BLack Confederates, Cherokee COnfederates, and free blacks in the SOuth, they never mention Grant and Sherman's slave killing ways, and they never mention Lincoln's racism towards blacks, anyways, I hope you find my post educational and good, Brandon

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