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he moved against the Huguenots and weakened the nobles power

He founded the Académie Française (1635) and Imprimerie Royale (1640), and they were both important milestones in the French monarchy's attempts at cultural absolutism.

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Q: How did cardinal richelieu work to increase the power of the bourbon monarchy?
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The first Bourbon restoration was in 1814, after Napoleon got exiled. Though, these Kings had no actual power. The "monarchy" might have been restored for a wile, but only in name. It was a constitutional monarchy. Louis Stanislas Xavier de France (Comte de Provence) pronounced himself King in 1814. He was the brother of Louis XVI who had been killed during the revolution, and of whom he had always been envious. After him, in 1830, his other brother Charles-Philippe de France (Comte D'Artois) was King.

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Euge ne Saulnier has written: 'Le ro le politique du cardinal de Bourbon, Charles X, 1523-1590'