It was a shock to the King, and his government. Things were out of control when the citizen are arming themselves in preparation for a Civil War.
If they feel their government doesn't have what's best in mind for the individual, people get mad and people rebel. The basic compulsion to rebel arises when people feel that their lives and living conditions are intolerable, that there is no hope of improvement under the present government, that the present government doesn't care about them and will do nothing for the. Once people see that their government does not have its welfare in mind and that it never will, those people will seek to overthrow that government in order to better themselves.
Thomas Paine called for a revolution and he challenged the colonists to cut their ties with the British government. He wrote that people should rule themselves.
Because of the crisis on September 11, 2001, the United States and it's government seemed to hurt. The weight of this event was all put on president Bush, including the rest of the worlds problems, causing the whole United States to feel the preasure and sorrow. THATS NOT RIGHT^ the September massacres was not in the 2001 it was in 1792
China's government is secretive and harsh. They execute people for not believing in what they do. They block the Internet and email, also they sensor phone calls because they don't want their people to know how good the rest of the world is. The government is communist. They don't give people freedom of speech. WTF MAN they DON'T do that -_- well im not from china but WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY KILL PEOPLE JUST FOR DISAGREEING ?????? this guys doing a project for science im pretty sure cause i am and i need this answer he doesn't need this sort of answer he wants to know if the country is DEMOCRATIC, THEOCRATIC, MONARCHY, or DICTATORSHIP writing that in a project would just make me feel VERY uncomfortable and it would make me feel racist try a different answerand the real answer is Representative Democracy i found it in 3 seconds
Poor workers in Cuba were upset that many policies were not changed.
Poor workers in Cuba were upset that many policies were not changed.
Poor workers in Cuba were upset that many policies were not changed.
Poor workers in Cuba were upset that many policies were not changed.
Poor workers in Cuba were upset that many policies were not changed.
They were upset that American businesses were not involved>
There's like this feeling of sadness still.. stemming from our grandparents and parents that were basically forced to leave... leave their family, their homes. The feeling still remains that their freedoms were stripped away from them. It's become less of an issue over the years, people forget, new generations don't feel as strongly. But if you talk to anyone who lived in Cuba and had to leave and they'll tell you they not only wouldn't allow themselves to, but they can't condone giving the Cuban government any of their money (by flying there, buying their goods, etc), nor step on the soil that used to be rightfully theirs (or their parents') until the country is free from Communism.
After the Bay of Pigs, where the U.S. invaded Cuba in attempt to overthrow Cuban government, Fidel Castro, the Cuban dictator, was very uneasy about the U.S.. It was because of the Bay of Pigs that Cuba became suspicious of the U.S. after that. When the Soviet Union asked to install missiles in Cuba, they agreed because that way they would feel more protected if the U.S. was to attack again.
The goal of the 1961 invasion of Cuba, known as the Bay of Pigs incident or invasion, was to oust the socialist Cuban government led by Fidel Castro. Despite being trained and assisted by U.S. military and CIA personnel, the Cuban exiles who invaded were repulsed and their takeover bid failed.
I find it hard to imagine how co-workers feel.
It may have been a look good, feel good event but the US had placed restrictions on Cuban independence and felt that those mandates protected US interests in Cuba. It was also the way that big business wanted it, because as a US Territory US labor laws would have to be complied with and that would have reduced their profit margin.
No, they work because it is their job. Some may feel it is their duty, but overall it's simply another job.