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Q: Muhammad Ahmad led a resistance movement against the British in?
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What movement was started by Gandhi against British in 1942?

In 1942 the Quit India Movement was started by Gandhi against the British

What was Mohandas Gandhi's goal for his nationalist movement India following world war 2?

Answer this question… To unite Muslims and Hindus in resistance against British colonialism

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The Dutch Resistance movement was a large anti-Nazi movement. The Movement was led by Johannes and Marinus Post. It started because of the German occupation of the Netherlands

What was one of Mohandas gandhi goals for the Indians nationalist movement following World War 2?

Answer this question… To unite Muslims and Hindus in resistance against British colonialism

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Chambaran Satyagraha was authored by Mahatma Gandhi. It was a form of nonviolent resistance used in India during the Indian independence movement against British rule.

What were the developments of art in India during the British rule?

Art continued to flourish in India during British rule. This included sculptures and paintings from some of the top artists in the country. There was also a movement of political art, which was part of the "Quit India" movement. This was another form of peaceful resistance against British rule.

Which was the first movement launched against the British in India?

Quit India Movement

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The Jewish Underground was a movement by the Jewish people against Nazi Germany in World War II. Shortly after World War II the Jewish Resistance Movement was formed to create coordinated attacks on British authorities in the hopes of changing their policies and views against Jews. This was unsuccessful.

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