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The French Revolution started in 1789. There were a number of factors that led to the Revolution, including a series of wars that nearly bankrupt the crown. Louis XVI financial support of the American Revolution pushed the French debt even higher.

The last major war that pushed France to the brink of financial ruin was the Seven Years War which ended in 1763, and resulted in France loosing it's North American colony, and some islands in the Carribean. It also devastated the French Navy to the point it never really recovered.

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Q: The French Revolutionary Wars started in 1972 after France declared war on which country?
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What was the date when world two started?

September 1, 1939. Germany invaded Poland. Great Britain and France declared war on Germany.

What country first gained independence?

If you are referring to the period of colonization and colonialism, certainly one of the first was the United States of America, which declared its independence from England in 1776; the Americans fought and won the Revolutionary War (1775-1781). Another early country to declare independence was Haiti, which gained its freedom from France in 1804.

When did world war l begin in Europe?

the WWll started on September 1st 1939 when France and Great Britain declared war on Germany who had already invaded Poland. the First World War started on June 28, 1914 and ended November 11th 1918.

Who was the King during the French Revolutionary War?

King Louis XVI of France.

What countrie declared World War 1?

Your question is a bit vague, but here are some facts:1914The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria by Serbian Nationals, is considered the point at which the war was started. Austria, seeking revenge on Serbia, sought Germany'ssupport in case Russia stepped in to aid her friend, Serbia. Austria-Hungary,then declared war on Serbia, which caused Russia to mobilize troops against Austria-Hungary.Because of this, Germany declared war on Russia.Germany then invaded Luxembourg, and declared war on France and Belgium. This forced the United Kingdom, who declared war on Germany. Montenegro then declared war on Austria-Hungary.This forced Austria-Hungaryto declare war on Russia and Serbia to declare war on Germany. After the British arrived in France, Montenegro declared war on Germany.France then declared war on Austria-Hungaryas well as Britain. Austria-Hungarydeclared war on Belgium, and Japan declared war on Germany. By August, Japan had declared war on Austria-Hungary.In November the Russians Montenegro, United Kingdom and declared war on the Ottoman Empire.1915In May of 1915, Italy declared war on Austria-Hungary.On October 14, Bulgaria declared war on Serbia, which caused the U.Kand France to declare war on Bulgaria. A week later Russia and Italy declare war on Bulgaria.1916Battles rage from one country to the other.1917April 6, 1917, the United States declares war on Germany. Americans land in France on June 25, 1917. On December 7, the U.S.declares war on Austria-Hungary1918Fighting resumes on the Eastern Front. The war nears it's bloody end.1919Armistice ending the war

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