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The French settled America mostly in the area of the Mississippi River.

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Q: The French settled America mostly in the area of the River?
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What was the extent of the french possessions in north America?

The extent of the French possessions was mostly along the Mississippi River and the St. Lawrence Valley.

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They fought for the land and mostly for the Ohio River Valley because there were good trade routes and fertile land.

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What continent is amazon river located in?

South America....mostly in Brazil

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The Dutch first settled around the Hudson River, in modern-day New York.

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The world's second longest river is the Amazon at 6,437 km which is mostly in Brazil in South America, where they speak Portugese.

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The Dutch first settled around the Hudson River, in modern-day New York.

What is the second longest river in the world?

At the moment the second longest river in the world is the Amazon River in South America. The Amazon River is mostly located in Brazil, but is also located in Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Guyana in South America.