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The Metis culture has always been a blend of old and new, and these days that is mostly new. So fishing, hunting, and farming are still practiced but using the same methods we all use. Some cultural practices have not changed as much. This includes the manufacture of traditional clothing using traditional cloth and skins.

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Some aspects that are still practiced today are: Smudging, respecting elders, singing and playing drums.

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Q: What aspects of Metis culture is still practiced today?
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How did the Metis act when Ruperts land was purchased by Canada?

Today the term Metis refer to all those of European and Aboriginal mixed blood but when Canada purchased Ruperts Land, complete with people, Metis referred to French and Aboriginal mixed bloods. Most mixed bloods in Ruperts Land were Scottish Aboriginal or British Aboriginal and that is still the case for Western Canada. This answer will refer to all those of European Aboriginal mixed blood as Metis. They responded as anyone would if they had found themselves being sold to a new country without being consulted. First with questions, then with action which included creating their own government to talk to Canada with. Canada would not accept any such governments in their colonies and responded violently. The Metis and other met violence with violence but were out numbered and out gunned.

When did the fur trade end?

The fur trade has not ended in Canada. According to one industry source,, tens of thousands of Canadians are still employed in various aspects of this business, and it still generates hundreds of millions of dollars in the economy.

What is Animism's belief about God?

Animism believes that everything in nature has a spirit. Some believe that there is a primary spirit, and others don't. Animism was the original human religion and is still practiced, mostly by indigenous people in Australia, Africa, and North and South America.

What was it called when sensational headlines such as the above image were used to spur the public emotions to sell more newspapers?

Yellow Journalism. You ask the question as if it were only practiced in the past. There are still a lot of papers that practice it - some only occasionally - others almost continuously.

How much percent of the Red River Rebellion were Europeans?

In 1870, shortly after the end of the Red River Rebellion, a census was taken which showed that the population breakdown of the Red River Settlement was: 5,757 French-speaking Metis, 4,083 English-speaking Halfbreeds, 1,565 European caucasians (overwhelmingly English-speaking), and 558 Indians, for a total population of 11,963. The territory (Rupert's Land) which included Red River was still a British possession. Canada had become an independent nation a few years earlier when, in 1867, the British government passed the British North America Act. Canada wanted to acquire Rupert's Land from Britain, and Britain had agreed to this in principle. Negotiations were still underway, however, as to the finer details of the transfer, when the Red River Rebellion began in the fall of 1869. Even those who were part of the rebellion (overwhelmingly Metis) claimed to be loyal to the Crown. The main issues in the so-called rebellion were the rights of the Metis (and, to a lesser extent, the Halfbreeds), and the terms upon which Rupert's Land, and specifically the Red River Settlement, would become part of Canada. There were very few Europeans who were supporters of the rebellion, no more than a handful and certainly less than one percent of the population. Although some were long-standing members of the Red River community who sympathized with the Metis, most of the Europeans supporting the rebellion were Fenians. (So, your next homework assignment is to tell us, "Who were the Fenians and why did they support the Red River Rebellion?")

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