There have been many Kings named John. Some won wars, some lost wars, and some did not fight wars. Probalby the most famous ruler named John was not a King. He was Prince John, who ruled in England while his brother, King Richard, was fighting in the Crusades and attempting to return home afterward. Prince John fought no wars and therefore did not win any.
king john died 500 battles in the the French Revolution and lost nearly all of them. He did not even try to save his land that was over in France!!!
King John succeeded his brother King Richard (Richard the Lionheart) in 1199.
King Louis the fourteenth was one of the most important rulers of France. During his reign Louis lost three battles.
The monks wrote bad things about John,some even false because King John didnt like the pope and the pope didnt like him.
Because Richard didn't leave enough money for John to pay for good weapons in the battles so John almost always lost the battles
oh yes. he used the to try to break castle walls during battles.
John Battles was born on 1921-08-10.
John Battles died on 2009-09-22.
King John was in some ways a bad king. He was good on administrative terms but personal faults held him back. i.e. John was a talented soldier but his personal opinion got the better of him in battles so although he won many battles and an empire, he also lost lots of land, money and alot of the Plantagenet( or Angevin) empire.
Samudragupta is called king of hundred battles because he won many battles and conquered much of the world.
Queen Elizabeth fought the Spanish Armada in 1588.
what king john did wrong was that he raised all the taxes mostly the barons had to pay and also he lost a lot of land because the money he raised with the taxes he would then go and then spend it on wars and then he would loose land and always loose the land and then he would be humiliated and then he would return home sulking and then he was called lack land. and also the barons had heard that King John had told someone to kill his nephew Arthur because he King John did not anyone to have the throne.
One of the battles John Hancock faught in was the Battle of Lexington and Concord.
because the barons had to fight in his army and he was called softsword and lackland because he lost land and lost battles
Yes. David was a soldier and led his army into battles. When David became king he didn't fight as many battles.