While Lincoln is most famous for his emancipation of blacks, what really got him in to office was the 'Vote Yourself a Farm' campaign which granted homesteaders land in the west. This would almost be seen as a bribe in today's elections.
Sort of like the Y2K version of "Vote Yourself Free Healthcare!" or "Vote Yourself a Green Economy!". Similiarly, the the "Vote yourself a farm!" ploy bought votes and later helped create the dustbowl in the 1930's. The later two will create their own catastrophe's someday.
You can vote if you are a citizen of Canada, and over 18 years old. You also may have to prove yourself when you vote: with the card they sent you or identity.
Suffragettes alone weren't allowed to vote, all women could not vote. Suffragettes were only women who were protesting the lack of the right to vote.
In Canada, the fathers of Confederation did not think of First Nations as citizens of the new country. After Confederation, a special government department was created to decide how the First Nations people should live. Many First Nations were forced to live on reserves. These people were not allowed to vote. If they wanted to vote, they had to leave their reserves & begin living like the Colonists did. This meant they had to farm or move to a city.
In most countries only the citizens have the right to vote, foreigners are excluded.
Come home victorious of die fighting
They chase him from the farm.
If you vote you vote and if you do not vote then you do not vote
if you don't win the days challenge you cxan click start voting and vote yourself off
Yeah, you can just try to find yourself. You would be in there somewhere if you signed up in the competition thing.---->VOTE FOR OJ1010
dollar and a vote
because you touch yourself at night
because you touch yourself at night
Well you are mean to be 18 to vote.
ask yourself do you want to make that decision
If you mean to vote in an election, no, you can't. If you mean for American Idol, yes.
you should first ask yourself if you have done enough research on the candidates before you vote.
I think you mean "short ballot vote."