they ate blood from the first nations... and some crops they grew. The first nations tehy killed meant more food. They were cannibals.
Hunted bison
Loyalists fought for the British because they were loyal to the crown. The colonists who were rebelling were called Patriots.
Loyalists were American colonists who supported the English as opposed to Patriots who supported independence from England.
they eat foxes, wild cattle, wolves, leopards and farming supplies
Empire Loyalists
the fall of charleston in 1780
what european people would eat at the time
well they use to eat some food they used to find i am not sure
No, it was first around 1780.
Foods to eat are natural foods. Foods not to eat are junk food and less healthier foods.
The same thing everyone ate in the colonies.
what kind of foods did the chummash eat
of course you can eat local foods.
i can eat healthy foods because i am a vegetarian and i can't eat junk foods
Cancer patients eat bland foods becasue they cannot eat spicy foods. Hope this helps...
no it is not healthy to eat junk foods
What certine foods do brazillians eat in holidaysholidays