

Who was titu mir?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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Syed Mir Nisar Ali commonly known as Titu Mir was a great Bengali freedom fighter and a peasant leader who resisted the oppression of the local zamindars and European indigo planters on the peasantry with ultimate object of liberating the country from British domination. He led the Muslim religious reform movement Tariqah-i-Muhammadiya in Bengal.

Titu Mir belonged to a Muslim aristocratic family. His predecessor Syed Shahadat Ali came to Bengal from Arabia to preach Islam. Syed Abdullah, son of Shahadat Ali, was appointed Chief Qazi of Jafarpur by the emperor of Delhi and was invested with the title of Meer Insaaf. Henceforth the descendants of Shahadat Ali used both the hereditary titles 'Syed' and 'Mir'. Titu Mir was well-versed in Islamic education and had memorized the holy Quran at an early age. He acquired his early education from village maktab and then admitted to local madrassah. He had command over three languages -- Bangla, Arabic and Persian and developed keen interest in Arabic and Persian literature. He became an expert of Islamic theology, jurisprudence, philosophy, tasawwaf (Islamic mysticism) and mantiq. He was also an expert gymnast and a renowned pahlwan (wrestler) of his madrassah.

In 1822 Titu Mir went on a pilgrimage to Makka where he came in close contact with the great Islamic reformer and revolutionary leader Syed Ahmad of Bareilly who inspired him to free his fellow countrymen from unislamic practices and foreign domination. In 1827 Titu Mir returned to Bengal and preached pure Islam amongst the Muslims and advised them to refrain from practicing shirk and bidaat. He had great influence on weavers and peasants but came in conflict with oppressing zamindars such as Krishnadeva Rai of Purha Kaliprasanna Mukhopadhyay of Gobardanga, Rajnarayan of Taragonia, Gauri Prasad Chowdhury of Nagpur and Devanath Rai of Gobra-govindpur. To overcome the force of the land lords Titu Mir organized a Mujahid force and trained indigenous people with lathi. With an army of five thousand men, he had built a bamboo fort at Narkelbaria in October 1831. He proclaimed himself the king and instigated the people for jihad He soon established his control over the districts of 24 Parganas, Nadia and Faridpur. Titu Mir demanded tax from the zamindars of Taki and Gobardanga who entreated the English for protection. An English contingent was sent from Calcutta. But the combined forces of the English and Zamindars met humiliating defeat at the hands of the mujahids. Subsequently Lord William Bentinck sent a regular army against Titu Mir under Lieutenant Colonel Stewart consisting of 100 cavalry, 300 native infantry and artillery with two cannons.

The English attacked the mujahids on 14 November 1831. The mujahids failed to resist the English army outfitted with modern arms and took shelter inside the bamboo fort. The English opened fire and totally destroyed the fort causing heavy casualties on the side of the mujahids. Titu Mir along with many of his followers died on 19 November 1831. 350 mujahids including their commander Ghulam Masum were captured. Ghulam Masum was sentenced to death penalty and other 140 captives were punished on different charges.

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Who took control of India in 1757?

India was still under the control of the marathas.Only the british had defeated the nawab of Bengal ''siraj-ud-daula'' and had acquired a nominal power in Bengal by putting a puppet by the name of ''mir jafar'' on the throne of,in that sense no one actually took control of India.It was however done partially,if not completely,in 1764 after the defeat of the mughals in the battle of buxar at the hands of Sir Hector Munro.

Why did the tsar step down from power?

The Russian Federation Constitution demands does not allow Putin to run again. He is allowed to be Prime Minister as there is no rule in the Constitution which prevents this. So really he is "President" --just behind the scenes. Mir out!

Where gopang tribe is entered in the list of baloch tribes?

Gopang is a baloch tribe.Gopang is one of sect of rind tribe. They fight against lashari tribehunderds years ago with mir chakar khan rind. it is not organized tribe, and scattered in saraiki belt area and province of sindh of pakistan, specially they live in muzufer garh, Rojhan, Rahim yar khan, Khair pur ,larkana, Gampat,Ranipur. They speak saraiki sindhi and balochi language. cheif sardar is sardar Ranjhay khan Gopang, who lived with his tribe in basti Ranjhay khan (Sadiq abad) Rahim yar khan. Gopang people are brave,super fighter and polite and strong built. The other sardars of Gopang baloch tribe are, sardar habib-ur- rehman gopang, sardar darria khan gopang, sardar mehmood khan gopang,haji mushtaq khan gopang, sardar allah bachaya jiani gopang of ahsan pur.

Who is Notkani or Nutkani and what its history?

The Nutkani or Notkani Nodhkani are a Sraiki sindhi and Balochi speaking Baloch tribe, mainly sraiki is speaking in DG khan and Balochi are speaking in Rajan pur and Kharan Balochistan Sibi Dara Bughti also nutkani are speaking Sindhi in sindh mainly associated with the Pakistani areas of Mongrotha, Taunsa Sharif and Dera Ghazi Khan The name of Nutkani tribe is drived from Nozbandagh also called "Meer Notak Khan", who was with the chieftain Sardar Mir Chaker Khan Rind when he migrated to Punjab from Baluchistan(indigenous homeland of Baluch Nation). Which means that Notak Khan who is founder of whole Nutkani tribe Known Nutkani sub-tribe include, - Nutkani Family - Malghani malagh Khan, - Kertani karat Khan, - Mithwani Mitha Khan - Mankani or Malkani Manak Khan - lalwani Lal khan - Tangwani Tangu Khan - Mundarani Mundar Khan - Maswani Masu khan - Bughlani - Nasoha - Bilwani - Laskani - Sangrani - Machrani Machrani and mundrani both are same - Datani - Shadani - Kotani - Rehmani Barkhurdar House Koro Gharbi - Mirani - Umrani - Lakhani - Shahani - Gadi Many more are included in Great Nutkani tribe of Dera Ghazi Khan. The tribe has a strong political and economical influence in the region, the tribe also has a great educational level. Nutkani Balochs ruled Sangher till the end of eighteenth century AD. Nawab Asad Khan and Nawab Massu Khan were famous rulers of the place. Asad Khan saved his state from Sikh occupation. Nawab Asad Khan Nutkani was the Great Ruler of this tribe, who ruled sangher in British and Sikh periods and also before them. He was strict in his rules. After Nawab Asad Khan Nutkani,Nawab Massu Khan Nutkani was the ruler.Nutkanies ruled the Land of Sangher for Hundred of years and They are Lions of Sangher. They have fought many battles against british, Sikh, Buzdar, Qaisrani, Langhah in past. One fact why Nutkanies have no Tumman, because they were against British. Today all other socalled Tummans are only due to their services to Britain. There are many membersa of the Nutkani tribe who are Doctors, Engineers, Geologists, Lawyers in Pakistan and abroad Nutkanis are populated nearby area of Taunsa Sharif/Dera Ghazi Khan but distributed throughout Pakistan and other countries. (locations listed below) Notak Chief family is living in the Mongrotha West....... Pakistan: - DG Khan - Dera Bugti - Toba Notkani - DI khan - Damaan - Kharan - Bhakar - Notak - Sibi - Badin - Rajan Pur - Bhawal Pur - Tounsa/Taunsa Sharif - Mangrotha - Sokar - Dony Wala - Makwal - Notak - Shadan Lund - Hairo - Bughlani - Lalu - Bindi - Dira - Mundrani - Larra - Bohar - Koro - Sindh - Goth Kado Notkani - Goth shabaz Notkani - Goth Boland Nottkani - Goth Fakir Mhd Notkani - Goth Bango - Matli - Karachi - Islamabad Singapore: United Kingdom:

Did anything famous happen in 1995?

All in all it was a pretty dull year...January• January 1 - The World Trade Organization (WTO) is established to replace the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).• January 1 - Austria, Finland & Sweden act to join the European Union.• January 1 - The Draupner wave in the North Sea in Norway is detected, confirming the existence of freak waves.• January 2 - The Most distant Galaxy yet discovered found by scientists using the Keck telescope in Hawaii (est. 15 billion light years away).• January 2 - Bus crashes in Luzon, Philippines, killing 29 people.• January 4 - The 104th United States Congress, the first controlled by Republicans in both houses since 1953 to 1955, convenes.• January 6-7 - A chemical fire occurs in an apartment complex in Manila, Philippines. Policemen led by watch commander Aida Fariscal and investigators find a bomb factory and a laptop computer and disks that contain plans for Project Bojinka, a mass-terrorist attack. The mastermind, Ramzi Yousef, is arrested 1 month later.• January 9 - Valeri Polyakov completes 366 days in space while aboard the Mir space station, breaking a duration record.• January 16 - An avalanche hits the village Súðavík in Iceland, killing 14 people.• January 17 - A magnitude 7.3 earthquake called the "Great Hanshin earthquake" occurs near Kobe, Japan, causing great property damage and killing 6,434 people.• January 25 - Norwegian rocket incident: A rocket launched from the space exploration centre at Andøya, Norway is briefly interpreted by the Russians as an incoming attack.• January 29 - Super Bowl XXIX: The San Francisco 49ers become the first National Football League franchise to win 5 Super Bowls, as they defeat the San Diego Chargers at Joe Robbie Stadium in Miami, Florida.• January 30 - John Howard becomes leader of the Liberal Party of Australia to challenge Paul Keating for the 1996 Federal Election and the position of Prime Minister of Australia.• January 31 - U.S. President Bill Clinton invokes emergency powers, to extend a $20 billion loan to help Mexico avert financial collapse.February• February 1 - Lyricist/guitarist Richey Edwards of the Welsh alternative rock band Manic Street Preachers goes missing from a hotel in Bayswater, London on the eve of a planned tour of the United States. His car is found 2 weeks later at Severn View services in Aust.• February 9 - STS-63: Dr. Bernard A. Harris, Jr. and Michael Foale become the first African American and Briton, respectively, to walk in space.• February 13 - A United Nations tribunal on human rights violations in the Balkans charges 21 Bosnian Serb commanders with genocide and crimes against humanity.• February 15 - Hacker Kevin Mitnick is arrested by the FBI and charged with breaking into some of the United States' most "secure" computer systems.• February 15 - Taiwan's deadliest fire, at a karaoke restaurant in Taichung, kills 64.• February 15 - In Dublin, a Republic of Ireland vs. England football match in Lansdowne Road is abandoned, due to violence and rioting.• February 17 - Colin Ferguson is convicted of 6 counts of murder for the December 1993 Long Island Rail Road shootings and later receives a 200+ year sentence.• February 21 - Serkadji prison mutiny in Algeria: Four guards and 96 prisoners are killed in a day and a half.• February 21 - Ibrahim Ali, a 17-year-old Comorian living in France, is murdered by 3 far-right National Front activists.• February 21 - Steve Fossett lands in Leader, Saskatchewan, Canada, becoming the first person to make a solo flight across the Pacific Ocean in a balloon.• February 23 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average gains 30.28 to close at 4,003.33 - the Dow's first ever close above 4,000.• February 26 - The United Kingdom's oldest investment banking firm, Barings Bank, collapses after securities broker Nick Leeson loses $1.4 billion by speculating on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.• February 27 - In Denver, Colorado, Stapleton Airport closes and is replaced by the new Denver International Airport, the largest in the United States.• February 28 - Members of the group Patriot's Council are convicted in Minnesota of manufacturing ricin.March• March 1 - Polish Prime Minister Waldemar Pawlak resigns from Parliament and is replaced by ex-communist Jozef Oleksy.• March 1 - In Moscow, Russian anti-corruption journalist Vladislav Listyev is killed by a gunman.• March 1 - Yahoo! is founded in Santa Clara, California.• March 2 - Nick Leeson is arrested for his role in the collapse of Barings Bank.• March 3 - In Somalia, the United Nations peacekeeping mission ends.• March 6 - On an episode of The Jenny Jones Show ("Same-Sex Crushes"), Scott Amedure reveals a crush on his heterosexual friend Jonathan Schmitz. Schmitz kills Amedure several days after the show.• March 13 - David Daliberti and William Barloon, two Americans working for a military contractor in Kuwait, are arrested after straying into Iraq.• March 14 - Astronaut Norman Thagard becomes the first American to ride into space aboard a Russian launch vehicle (the Soyuz TM-21), lifting off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.• March 16 - Mississippi ratifies the Thirteenth Amendment, becoming the last state to approve the abolition of slavery. The amendment was nationally ratified in 1865.• March 20 - Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway. Members of the Aum Shinrikyo religious cult release sarin gas on 5 subway trains in Tokyo, killing 12 and injuring 5,510.• March 22 - Cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov returns after setting a record for 438 days in outer space.• March 24 - For the first time in 26 years, no British soldiers patrol the streets of Belfast, Northern Ireland.• March 26 - The Schengen Agreement, easing cross-border travel, goes into effect in several European countries.• March 27 - The 67th Academy Awards, hosted by David Letterman, are held at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, with Forrest Gump winning Best Picture.• March 30 - A police officer tries to assassinate Takaji Kunimatsu, chief of the National Police Agency of Japan.• March 31 - Tejano superstar Selena is killed by the president of her own fanclub, Yolanda Saldívar.April• April 2 - An explosion in Gaza kills 8, including a Hamas leader.• April 5 - The U.S. House of Representatives votes 246-188 to cut taxes for individuals and corporations.• April 7 - House Republicans celebrate passage of most of the Contract with America.• April 19 - Oklahoma City bombing: 168 people, including 8 Federal Marshals and 19 children, are killed at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. Timothy McVeigh and one of his accomplices, Terry Nichols, set off the bomb.• April 24 - A Unabomber bomb kills lobbyist Gilbert Murray in Sacramento, California.• April 28 - In Daegu, South Korea, a gas explosion at a subway construction site kills 101 persons, mostly teenage schoolboys.May• May 1 - Jacques Chirac is elected president of France• May 7 - Finland wins the ice hockey world championship.• May 11 - More than 170 countries agree to extend the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty indefinitely and without conditions.• May 13 - An earthquake hits the regions of Kozani and Grevena in Greece, with an intensity of 6.6 on the Richter scale.• May 14 - The Dalai Lama proclaims 6-year-old Gedhun Choekyi Nyima as the 11th reincarnation of the Panchen Lama.• May 14 - Team New Zealand wins the America's Cup in San Diego, beating Stars and Stripes 5-0.• May 16 - Japanese police besiege the headquarters of Aum Shinrikyo near Mount Fuji and arrest cult leader Shoko Asahara.• May 17 - Shawn Nelson, 35, goes on a tank rampage in San Diego.• May 20 - U.S. President Bill Clinton indefinitely closes part of the street in front of the White House, Pennsylvania Avenue, to vehicular traffic in response to the Oklahoma City bombing.• May 21 - Pope John Paul II canonizes John Sarkander during his visit to Olomouc, the Czech Republic.• May 23 - Oklahoma City bombing: In Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, the remains of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building are imploded.• May 24 - AFC Ajax wins the UEFA Champions League in the Ernst Happel Stadium in Vienna by defeating AC Milan 0-1 by a goal of Patrick Kluivert. This was the third consecutive win of AFC Ajax over AC Milan that season, ranking AFC Ajax on the 4th place on the list of European Cup and UEFA Champions League winners.• May 25 - Egan v. Canada: The Supreme Court of Canada rules that discrimination based on sexual orientation is prohibited under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.• May 27 - In Culpeper, Virginia, actor Christopher Reeve is paralyzed from the neck down after falling from his horse in a riding competition.• May 28 - A 7.6 magnitude earthquake in Neftegorsk, Russia kills at least 2,000.June• June 1 - The busiest hurricane season in 62 years begins.• June 2 &ndash Mrkonjić Grad incident: A United States Air Force F-16 piloted by Captain Scott O'Grady is shot down over Bosnia and Herzegovina while patrolling the NATO no-fly zone. O'Grady is rescued by U.S. Marines six days later.• June 2 - Waffen-SS Hauptsturmführer Erich Priebke is extradited from Argentina to Italy.• June 6 - U.S. astronaut Norman Thagard breaks NASA's space endurance record of 14 days, 1 hour and 16 minutes, aboard the Russian space station Mir.• June 13 - French President Jacques Chirac announces the resumption of nuclear tests in French Polynesia.• June 15 - During his murder trial, O.J. Simpson puts on a pair of gloves that were presumably worn by the person who murdered his ex-wife and her friend Ron Goldman.• June 15 - A powerful earthquake, registering a moment magnitude of 6.2, hits the city of Aigio, Greece, resulting in several deaths and significant damage to many buildings.• June 20 - Oil multinational Royal Dutch Shell caves in to international pressure and abandons plans to dump the Brent Spar oil rig at sea.• June 22 - Japanese police rescue 365 hostages from a hijacked All Nippon Airways Flight 857 (Boeing 747-200) at Hakodate airport. The hijacker was armed with a knife and demanded the release of Shoko Asahara.• June 24 - The New Jersey Devils sweep the heavily favored Detroit Red Wings to win their first Stanley Cup in the lock-out shortened season.• June 24 - South Africa wins the Rugby World Cup.• June 29 - Lisa Clayton completes her 10-month solo circumnavigation from the Northern Hemisphere.• June 29 - STS-71: Space Shuttle Atlantis docks with the Russian Mir space station for the first time.• June 29 - The Sampoong Department Store collapses in the Seocho-gu district of Seoul, South Korea, killing 501 and injuring 937.• June 29 - Iraq disarmament crisis: According to UNSCOM, the unity of the UN Security Council begins to fray, as a few countries, particularly France and Russia, become more interested in making financial deals with Iraq than in disarming the country.July• Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraq threatens to end all cooperation with UNSCOM and IAEA, if sanctions against the country are not lifted by August 31.• Midwestern United States heat wave: An unprecedented heat wave strikes the Midwestern United States for most of the month. Temperatures peak at 106 °F (41 °C), and remain above 94 °F (34 °C) in the afternoon for 5 straight days. At least 739 people die in Chicago alone.• July 1 - Iraq disarmament crisis: In response to UNSCOM's evidence, Iraq admits for first time the existence of an offensive biological weapons program, but denies weaponization.• July 4 - UK Prime Minister John Major wins his battle to remain leader of the Conservative Party.• July 5 - The U.S. Congress passes the Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act, requiring that producers of pornography keep records of all models who are filmed or photographed, and that all models be at least 18 years of age.• July 10 - Burmese dissident Aung San Suu Kyi is freed from house arrest.• July 11 - Bosnian Serbs march into Srebrenica while UN Dutch peacekeepers leave. Large numbers of Bosniak men and boys are killed in the Srebrenica massacre.• July 13 - Dozens of cities, most notably Chicago and Milwaukee, set all-time record high temperatures. Hundreds in these and other cities die as the Chicago Heat Wave of 1995 reaches its peak.• July 17 - The Nasdaq Composite index closes above the 1,000 mark for the first time.• July 21-26 - Third Taiwan Strait Crisis: The People's Liberation Army fires missiles into the waters north of Taiwan.• July 23 - David Daliberti and William Barloon, 2 Americans held as spies by Iraq, are released by Saddam Hussein after negotiations with U.S. Congressman Bill Richardson.• July 27 - In Washington, DC, the Korean War Veterans Memorial is dedicated.• Iraq disarmament crisis: Following the defection of his son-in-law, Hussein Kamel, Saddam Hussein makes new revelations about the full extent of Iraq's biological and nuclear weapons programs. Iraq also withdraws its last UN declaration of prohibited biological weapons and turns over a large amount of new documents on its WMD programs.August• August 4 - Croatian forces launch Operation Storm against Serbian forces in Krajina, with the cooperation of the ARBiH, and force them to withdraw to central Bosnia and Herzegovina.• August 5 - Croatian forces take Knin and continue to advance.• August 6 - Hundreds in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Washington, D.C., and Tokyo mark the 50th anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb.• August 7 - Operation Storm ends with a UN-brokered ceasefire; remaining Serbian forces start surrendering.• August 11 - The Russell Hill subway accident results in 3 deaths and 30 injuries in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.• August 14 - An avalanche buries Alison Hargreaves, the first woman to climb Mt. Everest without oxygen; she is reported dead.• August 24 - Microsoft releases Windows 95.• August 28 - A Serbian mortar bomb near a Sarajevo market square kills 37 civilians.• August 29 - Eduard Shevardnadze, the Georgian head of state, survives an assassination attempt in Tbilisi.• August 30 - The NATO bombing campaign against Serb artillery positions begins in Bosnia and Herzegovina, continuing into October. At the same time, ARBiH forces begin an offensive against the Bosnian Serb Army around Sarajevo, central Bosnia, and Bosnian Krajina.September• September - The DVD, an optical disc computer storage media format, is announced.• September - The European Parliament elects the first European Ombudsman, Jacob Söderman, who takes up office in September 1995.• September 4 - eBay is founded.• September 4 - The Fourth World Conference on Women opens in Beijing with over 4,750 delegates from 181 countries in attendance.• September 6 - NATO air strikes continue, after repeated attempts at a solution with the Serbs fail.• September 6 - Cal Ripken Jr of the Baltimore Orioles breaks the all time consecutive games played record in MLB.• September 19 - The Washington Post and The New York Times publish the Unabomber's manifesto.• September 22 - American millionaire Steve Forbes announces his candidacy for the 1996 Republican presidential nomination.• September 23 - Argentine national Guillermo "Bill" Gaede is arrested in Phoenix, Arizona on charges of industrial espionage. His sales to Cuba, China, North Korea and Iran are believed to have involved Intel and AMD trade secrets worth USD$10-20 million.• September 26 - The trial against former Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti, who is accused of Mafia connections, begins.• September 27-28 - Bob Denard's mercenaries capture President Said Mohammed Djohor of the Comoros; the local army does not resist.October• October 1 - Ten people are convicted of bombing the World Trade Center in 1993.• October 3 - O.J. Simpson is found not guilty of double murder for the deaths of former wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.• October 4 - France launches a counter-coup in the Comoros with 600 soldiers. They arrest Bob Denard and his mercenaries and take Denard to France; Caabi el-Yachroutu becomes the interim president.• October 4 - Hurricane Opal makes landfall at Pensacola Beach, FL as a Category 3 hurricane with 115 mph winds.• October 6 - Michael Mayor and Didier Queloz announce the discovery of 51 Pegasi b, the first confirmed Extrasolar planet.• October 9 - 1995 Palo Verde derailment: An Amtrak Sunset Limited train is derailed by saboteurs near Palo Verde, Arizona.• October 15 - The Carolina Panthers win their first-ever regular season game by defeating the New York Jets at Clemson Memorial Stadium in South Carolina.• October 16 - The Million Man March is held in Washington, D.C.. The event was conceived by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.• October 17- French woman Jeanne Calment reaches the confirmed age of 120 years and 238 days, making her the oldest person ever recorded.• October 23 - In Houston, Texas, Yolanda Saldivar is convicted of first degree murder in the shooting death of Selena Quintanilla Perez and 3 days later is sentenced to life in prison.• October 24 - A total solar eclipse is visible from Iran, India, Thailand, and Southeast Asia.[1]• October 25 - A Metra commuter train slams into a school bus in Fox River Grove, Illinois, killing 7 students.• October 26 - An avalanche hits the village Flateyri in Iceland, killing 20 people.• October 28 - Fire breaks out on a crowded metro train in Baku, Azerbaijan, killing more than 300 passengers (the world's worst metro disaster).• October 30 - Quebec independantists narrowly lose a referendum for a mandate to negotiate independence from Canada.November• November 1 - NASA loses contact with the Pioneer 11 probe.• November 1 - Participants in the Yugoslav War begin negotiations at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.• November 1 - The U.S. House of Representatives votes to ban partial birth abortions by a vote of 288-139.• November 2 - The Supreme Court of Argentina orders the extradition of Erich Priebke, ex-S.S. captain.• November 3 - At Arlington National Cemetery, U.S. President Bill Clinton dedicates a memorial to the victims of the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing.• November 4 - Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin is assassinated at a peace rally in Tel Aviv.• November 10 - Iraq disarmament crisis: With help from Israel and Jordan, UNSCOM inspector Scott Ritter intercepts 240 Russian gyroscopes and accelerometers on their way to Iraq from Russia.• November 10 - In Nigeria, playwright and environmental activist Ken Saro-Wiwa, along with 8 others from the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People, are hanged by government forces.• November 12 - The Millbrook Commonwealth Action Programme, a programme to implement the Harare Declaration, is announced by the Commonwealth Heads of Government.• November 14 - A budget standoff between Democrats and Republicans in the Congress of the United States, forces the federal government to temporarily close national parks and museums, and run most government offices with skeleton staff.• November 16 - A United Nations tribunal charges Radovan Karadžić and Ratko Mladic with genocide during the Bosnian War.• November 21 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average gains 40.46 to close at 5,023.55, its first close above 5,000. This makes 1995 the first year where the Dow surpasses 2 millennium marks in a single year.• November 21 - The Dayton Agreement to end the Bosnian War is reached at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio (signed December 14).• November 22 - Rosemary West is sentenced to life for killing 10 women and girls, including her daughter and stepdaughter, after the jury returns a guilty verdict at Winchester Crown Court. The trial judge recommends that she should never be released from prison, making her only the second woman in British legal history to be subjected to a whole life tariff (the other is Myra Hindley).• November 22 - Six-year-old Elisa Izquierdo's child abuse-related death at the hands of her mother makes headlines, and instigates major reform in New York City's child welfare system.• November 22 - Egypt, Eilat, Israel, and much of the North African Mediterranean is struck by the strongest earthquake (7.2 Mw) along the Dead Sea Transform in a century; 8 are killed.• November 22 - The first ever full length computer animated feature film "Toy Story" was released by Pixar Animation Studios and Walt Disney Pictures.• November 28 - The Barcelona Treaty is signed by 27 attending nations.• November 28 - U.S. President Bill Clinton signs the National Highway Designation Act, which ends the federal 55 mph speed limit.• November 30 - Javier Solana becomes the new NATO General Secretary; Operation Desert Storm officially ends.December• Strikes paralyze France's public sector.• December 7 - NASA's Galileo probe reenters over Jupiter.• December 8 - Jean-Dominique Bauby, editor-in-chief of Elle magazine, suffers a massive stroke and lapses into a coma.• December 14 - The Dayton Agreement is signed in Paris.• December 15 - The European Court of Justice rules that all EU football players have the right to a free transfer among member states at the end of their contracts.• December 15 - Because of the "quadruple-witching" option expiration, volume on the New York Stock Exchange hits 638 million shares, the highest single-day volume since October 20, 1987, when the Dow staged a stunning recovery a day after Black Monday.• December 16 - Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraqi scuba divers, under the direction of the United Nations Special Commission, dredge the Tigris near Baghdad. The divers find over 200 prohibited Russian-made missile instruments and components.• December 20 - American Airlines Flight 965 (Boeing 757) crashes into a mountain near Buga, Valle del Cauca, Colombia after veering off its course en route to Cali, Colombia. Of the 164 people on board, four passengers and a dog are the only survivors.• December 30 - The lowest ever United Kingdom temperature of -27.2°C is recorded at Altnaharra in the Scottish Highlands. This equals the record set at Braemar, Aberdeenshire in 1895 and 1982.• The Republic of Texas group claims to have formed a provisional government in Texas.• December 31 - The final original Calvin and Hobbes comic strip is published.Births• January 4 - María Isabel, Spanish singer• January 5 - Jordan Orr, American actor• January 12 - Laurel McGoff, American singer and actress• January 13 - Qaasim Middleton, American actor• February 8 - Jordan Todosey, Canadian actress• March 27 - Taylor Atelian, American actress• March 29 - Marc Musso, American actor• April 6 - Ryutaro Morimoto, Japanese singer• May 12 - Luke Benward, American actor and singer• May 12 - Sullivan and Sawyer Sweeten, American actors• May 15 - Ksenia Sitnik, Belarusian singer• May 24 - Prince Joseph Wenzel of Liechtenstein• May 31 - Alissa Musto, American singer and pianist• July 3 - Alex Steele, Canadian actress• July 7 - Chloe Greenfield, American actress• July 9 - Georgie Henley, English actress• August 8 - Malin Reitan, Norwegian singer• August 18 - Parker McKenna Posey, American actress• August 23 - Eliza Pineda, Filipina actress• September 20 - Sammi Hanratty, American actress• September 22 - Juliette Goglia, American actress• November 16 - Noah Gray-Cabey, American actor• December 6 - Joy Gruttmann, German singer• December 24 - Soleil Borda, Iranian actressDeaths• January 1 - Eugene Wigner, Hungarian physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1902)• January 2 - Siad Barre, President of Somalia (b. 1919)• January 2 - Nancy Kelly, American actress (b. 1921)• January 4 - Sol Tax, American anthropologist (b. 1907)• January 7 - Murray Rothbard, American economist (b. 1926)• January 7 - Larry Grayson, British comedian and game show host (b. 1923)• January 9 - Peter Cook, English comedian and writer (b. 1937)• January 18 - Adolf Butenandt, German chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1903)• January 18 - Ron Luciano, American baseball umpire (b. 1937)• January 22 - Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, American philanthropist (b. 1890)• January 30 - Gerald Durrell, British naturalist, zookeeper, author, and television presenter (b. 1925)• January 31 - George Abbott, American writer, director, and producer (b. 1887)• February 2 - Fred Perry, English tennis champion (b. 1909)• February 2 - Donald Pleasence, English actor (b. 1919)• February 4 - Patricia Highsmith, American author (b. 1921)• February 5 - Doug McClure, American actor (b. 1935)• February 6 - James Merrill, American poet (b. 1926)• February 9 - David Wayne, American actor (b. 1914)• February 12 - Robert Bolt, English writer (b. 1924)• February 12 - Philip Taylor Kramer, American musician (b. 1952)• February 14 - U Nu, Burmese politician (b. 1907)• February 19 - Sir Nicholas Fairbairn, British politician (b. 1933)• February 19 - John Howard, American actor (b. 1913)• February 22 - Ed Flanders, American actor (b. 1934)• February 23 - Melvin Franklin, American singer (b. 1942)• February 23 - James Herriot, English veterinarian and author (b. 1916)• February 24 - Hideko Maehata, Japanese swimmer (b. 1914)• February 24 - Tatsumi Kumashiro, Japanese film director (b. 1927)• February 26 - Jack Clayton, British film director (b. 1921)• March 1 - Vladislav Nikolayevich Listyev, Russian journalist (b. 1956).• March 3 - Howard W. Hunter, American Mormon leader (b. 1907)• March 5 - Vivian Stanshall, English comedian, writer, artist, broadcaster, and musician (b. 1943)• March 7 - Georges J. F. Köhler, German biologist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (b. 1946)• March 8 - Ingo Schwichtenberg, German drummer (b. 1965)• March 12 - Juanin Clay, American actress (b. 1949)• March 13 - Leon Day, American baseball player (b. 1916)• March 13 - Odette Sansom, French World War II heroine (b. 1912)• March 14 - William Alfred Fowler, American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1911)• March 16 - Albert Hackett, American dramatist and screenwriter (b. 1900)• March 17 - Ronald Kray, British organised crime leader (b. 1933)• March 17 - Rick Aviles, American actor (b. 1952)• March 18 - Robin Jacques, English illustrator (b. 1920)• March 19 - Yasuo Yamada, Japanese voice actor (b. 1932)• March 20 - Sidney Kingsley, American dramatist (b. 1906)• March 20 - John William Minton American Wrestler (Big John Studd) (b. 1948)• March 22 - Peter Woods, British journalist, reporter and newsreader (b. 1930)• March 23 - Davie Cooper, Scottish footballer (b. 1956)• March 26 - Eazy-E, American rapper and record producer (b. 1963)• March 27 - Maurizio Gucci, Italian businessman (b. 1948)• March 28 - Hugh O'Connor, American actor the son of Carroll O'Connor (b. 1962)• March 29 - Tony Lock, English cricketer (b. 1929)• March 31 - Selena Quintanilla Perez, Mexican American singer (b. 1971)• April 2 - Harvey Penick, American golfer (b. 1904)• April 2 - Hannes Alfvén, Swedish chemist, Nobel-prize (b.1908)• April 4 - Kenny Everett, British comedian (b. 1944)• April 4 - Priscilla Lane, American actress (b. 1915)• April 10 - Morarji Desai, Indian politician (b. 1896)• April 14 - Burl Ives, American singer (b. 1909)• April 15 - Harry Shoulberg, American painter and serigrapher (b. 1903)• April 16 - Cy Endfield, American screenwriter (b. 1914)• April 18 - Arturo Frondizi, President of Argentina (b. 1908)• April 20 - Milovan Đilas, Yugoslavian Marxist (b. 1911)• April 23 - Howard Cosell, American sportscaster (b. 1918)• April 24 - Art Fleming, American actor and game show host (b. 1924)• April 25 - Ginger Rogers, American actress and dancer (b. 1911)• April 25 - Alexander Knox, Canadian actor (b. 1907)• April 25 - Andrea Fortunato, Italian football player (b. 1971)• May 2 - Michael Hordern, English actor (b. 1911)• May 5 - Mikhail Botvinnik, Russian chess player (b. 1911)• May 5 - Al Sanders, American news anchorman (b. 1941)• May 6 - Noel Brotherston, Irish footballer (b. 1956)• May 8 - Teresa Teng, Taiwanese singer (b. 1953)• May 12 - Arthur Lubin, American film director (b. 1898)• May 14 - Christian B. Anfinsen, American chemist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1916)• May 15 - Eric Porter, English actor (b. 1928)• May 15 - Woldeab Woldemariam, Eritrean Politician (b. 1905)• May 15 - Ben Bubar, American activist (b. 1917)• May 18 - Elisha Cook Jr., American actor (b. 1903)• May 18 - Alexander Godunov, Russian-born ballet dancer and actor (b. 1949)• May 18 - Elizabeth Montgomery, American actress (b. 1933)• May 24 - Harold Wilson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (b. 1916)• May 26 - Friz Freleng, American animator (b. 1905)• May 27 - Severn Darden, American actor (b. 1929)• May 28 - Irfan Ljubijankic, Bosnian diplomat (b. 1952)• May 30 - Ted Drake, English footballer (b. 1912)• June 7 - Hsuan Hua, Chinese Buddhist master (b. 1918)• June 12 - Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, Italian pianist (b. 1920)• June 15 - Charles Bennett, English screenwriter (b. 1899)• June 20 - Emil Cioran, Romanian philosopher and essayist (b. 1911)• June 23 - Jonas Salk, American medical researcher (b. 1914)• June 25 - Warren E. Burger, Chief Justice of the United States (b. 1907)• June 26 - Ernest Walton, Irish physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1903)• June 29 - Lana Turner, American actress (b. 1921)• June 30 - Georgi Beregovoi, Russian cosmonaut (b. 1921)• June 30 - Gale Gordon, American actor (b. 1906)• July 1 - Wolfman Jack, American disc jockey (b. 1938)• July 3 - Pancho Gonzales, American tennis champion (b. 1928)• July 4 - Eva Gabor, Hungarian actress (b. 1919)• July 4 - Bob Ross, American television painter (b. 1942)• July 5 - Takeo Fukuda, Japanese politician (b. 1905)• July 16 - Patsy Ruth Miller, American actress (b. 1904)• July 16 - Stephen Spender, English poet and writer (b. 1909)• July 17 - Juan Manuel Fangio, Argentine race car driver (b. 1911)• July 17 - Harry Guardino, American actor (b. 1925)• July 18 - Fabio Casartelli, Italian cyclist (b. 1970)• July 21 - Genevieve Tobin, American actress (b. 1899)• July 24 - Marjorie Cameron, American writer, painter, actress, and occultist (b. 1922)• July 24 - George Rodger, British photojournalist (b. 1908)• July 25 - Charlie Rich, American singer (b. 1932)• July 27 - Miklós Rózsa, Hungarian composer (b. 1907)• July 29 - Philippe De Lacy, American actor (b. 1917)• August 1 - Esther Muir, American actress (b. 1903)• August 3 - Ida Lupino, British actress (b. 1914)• August 3 - Edward Whittemore, American author and Central Intelligence agent (b. 1933)• August 4 - J. Howard Marshall, American billionaire (b. 1905)• August 7 - Brigid Brophy, English author (b. 1929)• August 9 - Jerry Garcia, American guitarist (b. 1942)• August 11 - Phil Harris, American actor (b. 1904)• August 13 - Mickey Mantle, baseball player (b. 1931)• August 15 - John Cameron Swayze, American journalist (b. 1906)• August 17 - Howard Koch, American screenwriter (b. 1901)• August 19 - Pierre Schaeffer, French composer (b. 1910)• August 21 - Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Indian-born astrophysicist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1910)• August 24 - Gary Crosby, American singer and actor (b. 1933)• August 24 - Alfred Eisenstaedt, German-American photographer (b. 1898)• August 29 - Michael Ende, German author (b. 1929)• August 29 - Frank Perry, American film director (b. 1930)• August 30 - Fischer Black, American economist (b. 1938)• August 30 - Sterling Morrison, American guitarist (b. 1942)• September 11 - Jimmy Ryce, American abducted child (b.1985)• September 12 - Jeremy Brett, English actor (b. 1933)• September 15 - Harry Calder, South African cricketer (b. 1901)• September 15 - Dietrich Hrabak, German World War II flying ace (b. 1914)• September 15 - Gunnar Nordahl, Swedish footballer (b. 1921)• September 17 - Grady Sutton, American actor (b. 1906)• September 19 - Orville Redenbacher, American entrepreneur and businessman (b. 1907)• September 20 - Eileen Chang, Chinese writer (b. 1920)• September 25 - Bessie Delany, American physician and author (b. 1891)• September 25 - Pedro Nolasco, Dominican republican boxer (b. 1963)• October 1 - Margaret Gorman, First Miss America winner (b. 1905)• October 5 - Linda Gary, American voice actress (b. 1944)• October 9 - Alec Douglas-Home, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (b. 1903)• October 12 - Johnny Gammage, African American motorist• October 21 - Maxene Andrews, American singer (b. 1916)• October 21 - Jesús Blasco, Spanish comic book author (b. 1919)• October 21 - Shannon Hoon, American singer (b. 1967)• October 22 - Kingsley Amis, English writer (b. 1922)• October 22 - Mary Wickes, American actress (b. 1910)• October 25 - Viveca Lindfors, Swedish actress (b. 1920)• October 25 - Bobby Riggs, American tennis champion (b. 1918)• October 26 - Gorni Kramer, Italian bandleader and songwriter (b. 1913)• October 26 - Wilhelm Freddie, Danish painter (b. 1909)• October 29 - Terry Southern, American screenwriter (b. 1924)• November 4 - Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize (b. 1922)• November 4 - Gilles Deleuze, French philosopher (b. 1925)• November 4 - Paul Eddington, English actor (b. 1927)• November 7 - Ann Dunham, American anthropologist and mother of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States (b. 1942)• November 12 - Robert Stephens, British actor (b. 1931)• November 13 - Ralph Blane, American composer (b. 1914)• November 20 - Sergei Grinkov, Russian figure skater (b. 1967)• November 21 - Noel Jones, British diplomat (b. 1940)• November 22 - Elisa Izquierdo, American murder victim (b. 1989)• November 23 - Louis Malle, French film director (b. 1932)• November 24 - Jeffrey Lynn, American actor (b. 1909)• November 30 - Stretch, American rapper and record producer (b. 1972)• December 2 - Roxie Roker, American actress (b. 1929)• December 2 - Robertson Davies, Canadian novelist (b. 1913)• December 3 - Jimmy Jewel, English actor (b. 1909)• December 7 - Kathleen Harrison, British actress (b. 1892)• December 9 - Vivian Blaine, American actress (b. 1921)• December 10 - Darren Robinson, American rapper and actor (b. 1967)• December 16 - Johnny Moss, American poker player (b. 1907)• December 18 - Konrad Zuse, German engineer (b. 1910)• December 20 - Madge Sinclair, Jamaican-American actress (b. 1938)• December 22 - Butterfly McQueen, American actress (b. 1911)• December 22 - James Meade, English economist, Nobel Prize laureate (b. 1907)• December 23 - Patric Knowles, English actor (b. 1911)• December 25 - Nicolas Slonimsky, Russian-American musicologist (b. 1894)• December 25 - Dean Martin, American actor and singer (b. 1917)• December 30 - Doris Grau, American actress (b. 1924)• December 30 - Heiner Müller, German poet and playwright (b. 1929)

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Who lead the tariqa movement in Bengal?

Titu Mir

What is Titu's population?

The population of Titu is 12,228.

What is the area of Titu?

The area of Titu is 42.51 square kilometers.

When was Titu Cusi born?

Titu Cusi was born in 1529.

When did Titu Cusi die?

Titu Cusi died in 1571.

When was Titu Maiorescu born?

Titu Maiorescu was born on February 15, 1840.

What is Titu Maiorescu's birthday?

Titu Maiorescu was born on February 15, 1840.

When did Titu Maiorescu die?

Titu Maiorescu died on June 18, 1917 at the age of 77.

How old was Titu Maiorescu at death?

Titu Maiorescu died on June 18, 1917 at the age of 77.

How old is Titu Maiorescu?

Titu Maiorescu was born on February 15, 1840 and died on June 18, 1917. Titu Maiorescu would have been 77 years old at the time of death or 175 years old today.

What actors and actresses appeared in Pozdrav Titu - 1951?

The cast of Pozdrav Titu - 1951 includes: Josip Broz Tito as himself

What actors and actresses appeared in U susret Titu - 1955?

The cast of U susret Titu - 1955 includes: Josip Broz Tito as himself