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The study of history, ancient, geographical, architectural, archeological, racial, religeous, political or in any other form is rarely to be faulted if done with a sound scientific framework. Any study of history that is based on a preconception is always subject to academic revue. Black history like most histories, is filled with legend, falacy and error. Study history because it will enrich your life.

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13y ago

All history is important. It tells us how things were and allows comparisons to how they are nowadays.

It can show us the mistakes we made, hopefully so we can avoid them in the future, and the things we did correctly.

Black history is simply a section of the history of humankind and is no less or more important than any other history.

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so we can learn about people and who they are

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Q: Why should we study black history?
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Why study Canadian black history?

It is important to study Canadian black history in order to understand the influences that have shaped Canadian culture today. It is important to understand the roots of the Canadian black population.

Where should you begin if you want to study history?


What do people use to study the past?

Students in school usually study history from appropriate textbooks. Others may use sites such as this one, encyclopedias, and even old newspapers to piece together histories.

Why did black history month started?

We celebrate black history month because we are celebrating all of the great things black men and woman have done. Many years ago, black people were overlooked. They were not in History books when they did great things that white people did. It was truly unfair so Carter G. Woodson decided to make Black History Month a thing so that they could have equil rights. Carter G. Woodson changed Black History just like many others such as Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela and many other great black human beings. Black History Month had given Black People the chance to finally be noticed and not overlooked. In the UK they celebrate Black History Month in October but in America they celebrate Black History Month in February. In October or February, people normally protest to stop racism once and for all. Black History Month wouldn't be the same if people didn't believe in them. We should always respect others, we should not care about looks but instead we should care about their personalities. George Floyd also made a big change in Black History when a shopkeeper said he payed 'fake money' but it was real money, George Floyd was just black and was treated wrong. Then an officer came and put his knee on his neck for no reason at all! If it was a white person on the other hand, they would of never gotten put down to the floor and had someone put their knee on their neck! This just shows how unfair people can be! This happened on May 25th. We must keep George Floyd and many others in our hearts and be greatful for all the amazing things that they have done for us. Rest In Peace George Floyd, Martin Luthor King Jr., Muhammad Ali and many many other great black people who changed History forever.

People who discover study interpret and write history are called?

People who discover, study, interpret, and write history are called

Related questions

Why study Canadian black history?

It is important to study Canadian black history in order to understand the influences that have shaped Canadian culture today. It is important to understand the roots of the Canadian black population.

Why do you study Barbara Jordan in black history?

recarch somewhere else

How is the study of history essential?

It is commonly said "Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it." That should be a good enough reason to study history.

Where should you begin if you want to study history?


Why should you study Black history?

Reasons to study Black History:Anything you study makes you smarter!The history of African Americans has many important leaders who can help us to understand the way the world works.Studying the history of Blacks in America, and the slavery issue, helps us to avoid such horrible things in the futureHuman beings first developed in Africa, so studying African history is studying human historyAfrican culture includes such great civilizations as Egypt, Carthage, Morocco, Nubia, and Ethiopia.

What profession should you go into to study apache native Americans?

you will have to study American History and political Science, then you could become a History teacher

Which African American Progressive pioneered the study of black history?

Carter G. Woodson

Should the study of history be continued?

There will always be questions about the past. With advances in technology our capability to answer them will continue to increase and with each new answer will come more new questions. Yes, we should continue to study history.

Why should we study history?

It is important to study history to fully understand how civilization has evolved to the present time. There is an old saying that history repeats itself. studying history helps us to prevent mistakes which were made in the past from being repeated in the future.

Why study the intertestamental period?

The intertestamental period should be studied if you are undertaking an advanced course of study in theology or Near Eastern history.

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