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The king was to blame for Thomas Becket's murder because he told the knights to kill Thomas but the knights didn't had to do what he said but they did and hit Thomas in the head and killed him. Also Thomas told the monks to leave the door open so the monks did. Also the king shouldn't have wanted to kill him anyway and the Knights had to obey the kings orders

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Q: Why was the king to blame for thomas beckets murder?
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How did King Henry react to Thomas Beckets death?

King Henry didn't won't his guards to kill Thomas Becket but he said the line "Will no-one raid me of this troublesome priest!" in a jokey sort of way but his guards herd him and went to kill Becket. The king was ashamed of what he said and walked out bare foot and in rags and let people thow stones at him because he was so upset.

Which side is most to blame for civil war the king or parliament?

The king was more to blame.

What changed in beckets relationship with king Henry 2?

When Becket became archbishop he became religions and did not do what Henry said

Who was responsible for the murder of thomas Beckett?

Many people were responsible for the murder of thomas beckett. you can't blame the knights because they were just cowardly enough to do it and not to question this "decision". the two main suspects were the king and thomas beckett himself. thomas beckett refused to listen to henry at all, so henry felt put out. beckett also decided to not listen to henry about "worshiping" him in a way.beckett only listened to god and the people that had strong beliefs that were to him right. But Henry was to blame as well because he just couldn't stand being ignored - he was an attention seeker. But he still had right to talk to beckett about his behaviour around this situation. Beckett just carried on to do things which were anoying Henry and it just built up into layers and layers of annoyance to Henry. So no wonder he popped, and wanted to get rid of Beckett. But overall I don't think that he meant all of this to turn into a murder. The person that was responsible for Becketts death was Beckett himself.

When did Cromwell become king?

Cromwell never became king. He was the secretary and chancelor of King Henry VIII, he succeeded Thomas Moore in his job of Chancelor right after his beheading.

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What did King Henry chose Thomas Beckets to be?

Henry II chose Thomas Becket to be Chancellor (1155-1162) and then ABp of Canterbury (1162-1170)

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What caused beckets death?

Becket made christians realise ow horrible the king was.

How did King Henry react to Thomas Beckets death?

King Henry didn't won't his guards to kill Thomas Becket but he said the line "Will no-one raid me of this troublesome priest!" in a jokey sort of way but his guards herd him and went to kill Becket. The king was ashamed of what he said and walked out bare foot and in rags and let people thow stones at him because he was so upset.

What position has Thomas held in the past in Murder in the Cathedral?

In the past, Thomas Becket held the position of Chancellor to the King of England before becoming Archbishop of Canterbury.

Who was King Henry II?

He was King of England, the father of two future kings of England, a good warrior, and the reason for the murder of Thomas Becket.

Which side is most to blame for civil war the king or parliament?

The king was more to blame.

What changed in beckets relationship with king Henry 2?

When Becket became archbishop he became religions and did not do what Henry said

Which king of England was wipped in cantebury and why?

Henry the second, it was to do penance for the murder of thomas becket i think not too sure about the reason

Who was responsible for the murder of thomas Beckett?

Many people were responsible for the murder of thomas beckett. you can't blame the knights because they were just cowardly enough to do it and not to question this "decision". the two main suspects were the king and thomas beckett himself. thomas beckett refused to listen to henry at all, so henry felt put out. beckett also decided to not listen to henry about "worshiping" him in a way.beckett only listened to god and the people that had strong beliefs that were to him right. But Henry was to blame as well because he just couldn't stand being ignored - he was an attention seeker. But he still had right to talk to beckett about his behaviour around this situation. Beckett just carried on to do things which were anoying Henry and it just built up into layers and layers of annoyance to Henry. So no wonder he popped, and wanted to get rid of Beckett. But overall I don't think that he meant all of this to turn into a murder. The person that was responsible for Becketts death was Beckett himself.