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Parties play a key role in engaging and mobilizing the electorate in the political process.

There are three main reasons a person becomes active in politics: First, they get something in return - a financial, social or purposive benefit. Second, they have the ability and resources to participate. Finally, they are asked to participate. This can apply to just voting for president every four years or becoming politically active to a much greater extent.

Political parties can help educate a person on why they should care about an election by offering a social benefit and making the financial and purposive benefits clear. Parties can assist those who don't otherwise have the money, time or skills to participate. One example would be offering form letters for a person to sign and send to their congressperson, saving them time and allowing them to communicate with their elected official even if that person lacks the necessary writing skills. They also provide rides to the polls and help with registering to vote. Just as importantly, parties actively ask people to get involved in the political process through direct mailings, commercials, signs and personal contact.

Parties help simplify the electorate's voting decisions by giving the voters a brand to associate with a candidate and/or issue. That lowers the information gathering cost and provides the electorate with a great deal of information without the voter having to obtain information specific to that particular candidate or that particular issue. Parties also simplify the process for voters by limiting the number of candidates that are involved in a particular election.

In short, voters engaging and participating in the electoral process is essential in a democracy. Parties lower the cost of voting, raise the perceived reward and magnify the perception of the importance of a citizens' vote in determining an elections outcome.

The most important thing a party does is to actually make governance in a democracy work.

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12y ago
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9y ago


Politics is such a dirty games as they say. And based on my observations it really does. Many relationships were the victim of this. But in my own opinion, this is a choice. If you choose to be affected by it then you were a victim.

Things can't be avoided when it comes to giving ideas and opinions. Some will be hurt and some will be glad. But what's important is that you are able to express yourself the way who really you are and your points of views to any of the issues. You can not please everybody and it won't lessen your personality.

Different views on Politics is rampant but we have to be open minded to anybody's opinions. Opinions can not be right or wrong because it is their own point of views to something. If theirs didn't agree with yours or if it is contradicting to yours then be it. Respecting other ideas/ opinions and choice is important.

During Election time, either it's national or local, communication and relationship gap became worst. Especially if someone choose to support the rival of her/his relative, friends, etc, etc..Again we can avoid this by simply respecting others decision. We should widen our mind and think the possible reasons and accept that she/he has the right to choose whom to support. For me, even if it's your relative/friend is running for a post if you think she/he is not capable for it why would I support her/him?

Don't let anybody control your decision's in life. Someday you will regret why you didn't do the right thing and let someone controlled you Can you be sure that someone you listened to will help you?

Politics will affect anyone of us if we will let it.

Be true to yourself!

Fight and stand for what you think is right!

Don't let anyone control you!

Don't let Politics ruin your life.

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10y ago

One of the merits of political parties is that more people have representation. Without these different parties, some people may be left out and not have their interests met. Demerits of political parties would be the difficulty and time that it can take to get anything done when the parties cannot agree.

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13y ago

The definition of democracy is a government by the people. Democracy is a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.

There are many merits of democracy. One merit is that it allows people to participate in the government and have a say in matters that relate to them and their country. Other merits would be freedom and self-determination, along with individualism.

Some demerits of democracy include the fact that some good stands and opinions can be opposed by many, which would mean that this stand or opinion can easily be prevented from coming into action. Also, the view of a democracy changes constantly, it also leads for simple reforms taking months to be justified through legal battles. While in more Politically powerful states such as an Autocracy this would be done in about a week.

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10y ago

Advantages of elections are the competition and ability of the people to choose who represents them. A disadvantage is the cost of elections, meaning that people have a better chance to win if they have more money.

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11y ago

MERITS- 1.competition will benefit for the citizen.2.citizen can choosetheir laeder who will crete more economic growth.

3.this leads to the foundation of well developed society.

DEMERITS- 1.misuse of govrement money by current govrement leaders.

2.small party who want to give for the society do not do any thing.

2.ultimately more copetitive leaders come in the power who do not give good work for the society.

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