Highwaymen were people that rode a horse , mainly at night; but sometimes in the day and waited by the road and stopped every carriage that came by. The Highwaymen didn't really shoot the people whom they had stepped but showed them the gun and threatened them with it , so it would be easier to steal from them. They would ask for any money clothes or weapons. The Highwaymen would be masked so you couldn't see them. They would normally rob somewhere nowhere near they lived so they wouldn't get caught .
There are many ways in which a highwayman could attempt at robbing a carriage. Almost all had horses and were armed. This was necessary for intimidation and a quick getaway. One method would be to cut a tree down over a road to stop a carriage directly by obstructing the path, then it could be ambushed. The driver and passengers would then be threatened at gunpoint in exchange for money or other valuables.
hope that helps.
Commonly considered to be primarily robbery and theft committed along the roads, paths, and trails of early America. Committed mainly against travelers (alone or in groups) - robbery of passenger stage coaches and freight wagons, etc. - any 'crimes of opportunity' that came their way.
Well, the classic highwayman didn't really die out till after WW II but non-typicial highwaymen still exist today. Most are actually robbing military shipments or drug dealers but still. In a matter of speaking highwaymen existed during the cold war trying to steel nuclear material but I don't think any freelance onces suceeded.
it is assumed that he told King George's men so he could be the lucky but ugly man to love Bess and that Bess wouldn't choose the Highwayman instead of him
The theme of something means the universal message that we all get from the excerpt. Not only one single group or classification of people, all the world should be able to get the same message(s) out of a certain piece of literature. The subjects are love, anger, revenge, death, the list goes on and on, but the theme of the narrative poem "The Highwayman" by Alfted Noyes is... You can do crazy things for love. Another theme is: Love is an eternal bond. And the second most important message is: One must not kick someone behind his/her back just in order to receive forced love.
The word highwayman is first attested from the year 1617. The term "highwayman" is mainly applied to robbers who traveled on a horse, as opposed to those who robbed on foot (foot-pads). Mounted robbers were widely considered to be socially superior to foot-pads.
The highwayman
The highwayman
the highwayman were about in the 18th century
the highwayman were about in the 18th century
robin hood
A highwayman was a thief who robbed people traveling on the highway. I do not know that anyone "needed" a highwayman.
what is the famouse catchfrase for the highwayman
what qualities are required to be a highwayman
Who is the protagonist in the highwayman
The Happy Highwayman was created in 1939.
Who was the first highwayman ever to be caught
The highwayman was a young man when he was baptized.