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Most courts use a 'docket'.

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Q: What is the supreme courts schedule known as?
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What do state trial courts do?

State trial courts are typically referred to as circuit courts. The United States Supreme Court is known as the highest court in the land.

Can supreme courts rule over intermediate appellate courts?

Yes, that is why the court is "supreme."

What is seven different types of courts?

U.S. District Courts U.S. Court of Appeals U.S. Supreme Court State Supreme Court Appellate Courts Trial Courts Lower Courts

The Supreme Court is mainly what kind of court?

In most cases, supreme courts are final appellate courts.

How are courts of appeals and Supreme Courts classified?

In both the state and federal court systems, courts of appeals and supreme courts are those that have appellate jurisdiction over cases heard in courts of original jurisdiction (trial courts).

What court not have appellate jurisdiction?

Lower Courts or District Courts. In a nutshell original jurisdicition, the first to claim power, is given to Supreme court because those guys are big. But the lower courts first get the case and if someone is not satisfied then they appeal to supreme court which is known as appellate jurisdiction. Most cases that supreme court get are appellate jurisdiction which means they have already been heard in lower courts.

Which courts are included in the judical branch?

All courts: state (Superior, Municipal and Small Claims; Appellate and State Supreme), Federal Courts (District, Circuit Courts of Appeal, Federal Supreme Courts), and Administrative Courts (Workers Compensation Appeals Board, Social Security, Etc.)

Will the courts look at using child support for retaliation?

Most state courts use a uniform schedule to assess child support. Courts do not view child support as retaliation.Most state courts use a uniform schedule to assess child support. Courts do not view child support as retaliation.Most state courts use a uniform schedule to assess child support. Courts do not view child support as retaliation.Most state courts use a uniform schedule to assess child support. Courts do not view child support as retaliation.

Which statement is not true about state supreme courts?

the ruling of state supreme courts are always the final judgment on a matter.

What are the federal courts in desending order?

Supreme Court Courts of Appeal District Courts and Special Courts

What are the Different court tiers?

Trial level, Appellate level, Supreme Court.

About 1 4 th of the supreme courts decisions concern appeals from?

About 1 4 th of the supreme courts decisions concern appeals from District Courts