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The French got along with many different kinds of natives. The French usually got along with natives that did what they wanted them to.

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They didn't, but now they do

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Q: Did the french get along with the natives?
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How was the French relationship with the natives different than the Spanish treatment and why was this?

The Spanish came for gold and forced the natives ti work as slaves. The Spanish also killed many native people, either by disease or by shooting them. The French traded with the Natives.

French settlements were established along?

Along the Northeast coast

Did the natives and europeans get along when they met each other?

some natives and europeans did get along in-fact some got married but not all where like this. they had a very rough relationship, europeans introduced natives to alcohol, they took a lot of their land with no pay or virtually no pay, they changed their way of life and at certain points in history we even wanted to assimilate them. there was schools that brought big bunches of them in and a lot of the schools were violent but that was how their system worked back then. the natives and the europeans even had a few fights and disputes. To improve something or someone takes work and a lot of sacrifices.

Who was Shawnadithit?

Shawanadithit was the last of the Beothuk Indians. The beothuks were a semi-nomadic group of people who lived along the coast of Newfoundland (southern) and hunted caribou. They were the hunted too, though. English and French fought over the Beothuk'sterritories and killed many of them. Shawnadithit was the last of these natives. She died of tuberculosis in 1829.

Did Britain or France have a stronger relationship with the Native Americans?

Yes but each with different tribes of the Native Americans.

Related questions

Did the natives have the same beliefs as he french?

No. The French were christian and Natives were not

What was the french relationship with the natives?

The natives found them very tasty.

Did martin Frobisher get Along with The natives?

no he did not

Did the soldiers and natives get along?

We need a where to answer the questions.

Did Jacques cartier and the natives get along?

Not really, no. Cartier never tried to get along with or understand the natives, and completely took over their land without even trying to explain what was going on.

How was the French relationship with the natives different than the Spanish treatment and why was this?

The Spanish came for gold and forced the natives ti work as slaves. The Spanish also killed many native people, either by disease or by shooting them. The French traded with the Natives.

What European country got along best with the natives?


What item of value did the French trade with natives for?

Guns and booze.

Why did the french expect natives to side with them?

because they were angry i guess

What is the error the colonists made in their dealings with the american indians that the French did not make?

The French look at the Natives as humans to trade with. The Americans saw the Natives as non-human savages and stole their resources.

Did the English and natives get along?

yes the spanish and native americans did get along but no for long because the spanish wanted to make the natives live the spanish life style and if they didnt do it they didnt live in the town.

Are raccoons French?

No, raccoons are not French. They are natives of North and South America. Any raccoons in France were introduced.