King Harold is supposed to have been killed by an arrow which hit his eye and entered his brain.
In myth and legend yes. In reality, most probably not I think that's what is depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry. Most probably he was killed by Norman Cavalry. ********************************* Unless a claim is absurd (such as Icarus flying on waxen wings) or is refuted by documentation or other acceptable means, it is the normal procedure to accept at least the core of an historical document or claim as made. The English shield wall was fully intact throughout the battle, including at its conclusion. The profesional soldiers of Harold, the Housecarls, remained undaunted, unbroken. It is clear that without the prior death of Harold the wall would not have failed. Barring proof to the contrary, there is no reason to doubt that Harold died as the result of an arrow penetrating his brain through his eye.
King Harold II fought the Battle of Hastings on Senlac Hill in 1066.
wales either wessex or Essex but he was duke of wessex
Her father's name was Harold Welch.
He got heart in EnglandEngland
Sort of. He was shot in the eye with an arrow but then tried to pull it out. He pulled most of it out but left the arrow head in his eye. Harold carried on fighting but died a few minutes later.
A Norman archer shot an arrow up into the sky and as Harold was running, he looked up and the arrow got him in the eye. That is how!!
= Harold Godwinson =
Harold did not kill William. William killed Harold by shooting an arrow in his eye.
The Saxon leader who died from an arrow to the eye was King Harold II of England. He was killed at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.
Harold was not killed by the arrow but an Norman killed himm while he was lying on the floor in pain
Yes, he was shot with an arrow
He was shot him with an arrow in his head.
Someone shot him.Duh.
I don't think anyone knows but, the Bayeux Tapestry shows that the arrow was in Harold's right eye.
It is said that Harold Godwinson the King of England was shot in the eye by and arrow and died , that is how the Normans won. This story comes from the Bayeux Tapestry.